I´m gonna say this, as much as it pains me to say it, even though most people don´t want to identify themselves with the clowns of Occupy Movement ________ , the message HAS INDEED resonated. Income inequality and Capitalism are under siege, and what is funny and sad, is that people actually truly believe that tax policy is a major contributor to income inequality, and the belief is if you further tax the wealthy and adopt wealth distrubition policies that somehow the gap between the two closes. It´s an absurd idea, that doesn´t do anyone good. It is actually a very repressive response to our problems, all it does is enable those who CHOOSE to do less with their lives.
When Mitt Romney says that right now, there is a battle for America´s soul, he´s right. We are at an inflection point, do we decide to go down a path of European style Democratic Socialism or do we preserve capitalism as it is today? No system is perfect, we all know that, but capitalism is what made the U.S what it is, and up to now, it is by far the best economic system out there.
I´m afraid that we are slipping in the wrong direction, and the fact that you have self described ¨conservatives¨ attacking the free market economy is a very damaging development not just for their party, but for the country. I believe it has the potential to have a lasting impact and if this line of attack works with just even 10% of the conservatives, then that´s it. Social Democracy wins!