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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Dude, I loved that movie
  2. It is pretty crazy, and from my perspective a complete loser. However, to my understanding, the political calculation is that the likely hood of Union voters sitting out vs Environuts is much less likely and that behind the Enviro's there is substantial amounts of money that has sat on the sidelines. I still dont think it makes sense not just for the country but from a political POV as well. Baffling to me.
  3. Well then you are a sad sad creature, try worrying about your own. Never in my life have I EVER and I mean EVER been appalled or resented what another man made in comparison to me. Thats a difference between people like yourself and me. Envious people suck! Wow, what an envious piece of ****! I say this with all sincerity. You are ONE dumb !@#$! No he does't you dumb ****... Just go back and read some of the previous links from the IRS.
  4. Oh Please... There are an equal amount of lemmings on the right.
  5. Listen dipshit... Try getting this through that fat skull of yours According to last year's report from the Internal Revenue Service, as a percentage of Adjusted Gross Income,................... 97 percent ..............of 2009 filers paid less than 15 percent: Let me spell this out for you, 97 percent which means 32 out of 33 people paid less as a percentage of Adjusted Gross Income than Mitt Romney. Let me repeat that for you again. 32 outof 33 people paid less as a percentage of Adjusted Gross Income than Mitt Romney. Got it? Now stop counting other peoples money. People who do that, SUCK!
  6. They are just as connected as Bain Capital is to Georgetown Steel.
  7. Stop counting other peoples money you envious prick!
  8. 2 words that best describe this thread Keystone Pipeline No, no no... this is different.
  9. Oh how I remember how polite and eloquent Juror8 used to be... Now look what we've done!
  10. GAME..... SET....... MATCH!!!
  11. Yep, you got it. I call themz how I seez it , which means I will always call out hypocrites. So say somethin hyocritical again and lets see what happens.
  12. That's right, those who don't pay income taxes don't have the right to call out anyone for not "paying their fair share". Sorry Dave, you're banned from saying it.
  13. First off, people who count other peoples money.... SUCK! Second, and lets play with some fun facts....People who fall in the category of after deductions not paying any income taxes, (Which is close to half the American pubic ,in which overwhelmingy those who vote in this category, vote Democrat) NEVER can EVER say that the "Rich are not paying their fair share"
  14. Of course cutting corporate tax rates can increase job growth, unless you have those cool myopic lenses that those leftist pundits use. Repeat after me, not all tax cuts are created equal. Lowering the cost of capital does indeed attract business... IT just depends who is receiving the tax cut, for some businesses and individuals all it does is pad their savings, for others it allows expansion. Thats why targeted corporate tax cuts can be instrumental for this recovery.
  15. Is the economy better than it was 6 months ago? yes Are there signs of improvement? yes Is it performing as well as it should at this stage of the recovery? no That' it.
  16. I don´t get it.
  17. Colin Powell will support Obama when the time comes.
  18. I´ll give you a hint, and I skimmed over it in the following paragraph. Key word : Religion Now if you aren´t bright enough to put 2 and 2 together, then like I said, not my problem.
  19. Like I said, not my problem.
  20. I already have, just because you aren´t able to comprehend isn´t my problem.
  21. Oh please, cut the bull ****! What they did was despicable and thats all there is to it. My father was a hardcore marine, former drill sargeant, served 3 tours in Viet Nam, and also believes this was a pathetic act and is embarrassed about what they did. So spare me your little ¨It´s easy to judge these marines from your couch a world away¨ bull ****. Adrenaline? Really? That´s what you are going with?
  22. Colin Powell is off the train? Do you have a link for something that supports that? I´d be interested in reading that.
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