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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Romney may not be able to make a credible case against Obama care, but the super Pacs can, don't underestimate the power of those TV ad's. The superpacs against Obama will have just as much if not more money than Obama will. Also, I've said this before, Obamacare isn't nearly as big of an issue asit is with GOP primary voters. Sure,indepedents don't like it, but they know where each stand, one said he will repeal it and the other one will push forward. Remember, independents are not nearly as ideologically driven as the lefies and righties are. The damage has been done on Obama in regards to Obamacare, and the superpacs will be the sufficent daily reminder Romney needs to keep it in their minds. So this argument that Santorum makes is ridiculous, independents don't want this to be the crux of a candidates campaign, they care about the economy much more so than this bill. All Obamacare will be for independents is just ONE more reason not to support him. And on a sidenote I see that Obama is tryig to make an indirect defense of Solyndra.... BIG MISTAKE!! also the more Obama brings up healthcare.... BIG MISTAKE!! These are tremendously unpopular initiatives and subjects. This is a tactical mistake they are making regardingthe alternative energy push. The Obama machine have three major negatives in this area, Solyndra which the right will paint as the poster boy of crony capitalism and desperate push to impliment their unsustainabe and nonfeasible green energy initiative at the expense of the U.S taxpayer. The decision to not build the Keystone pipeline which would have added PRIVATE SECTOR dollars in order to appease his enviro base and the high price of gasoline. Yeah, independents may not be fired up to go out and vote, but they do want a competent economic leader, sure Obama has wildly exceeded anyone's goals when it comes to fighting terrorism, but the economy is #1,#2 and #3 on voters minds. There is a reason why the political forecasters have this as tossup sort of election. Obama won't beat him easily, that you can count on, if Rubio accepts the VP offer, I would say that Romney stands at least a 60% shot at winning. Florida would be locked up, and many states that are battleground states with highlatino populations could be influenced enough at the margins to make te difference.
  2. Screw it I'll tell you. McCain would have had a stimulus plan as well, it would of been slower, but equally ineffective, and most likely the recovery late 08 and early 09 would of been even weaker under McCain, simply because less money would of been spent, which means short-term weakness. There would of been less money for state and local governments, which means that many union state local gov workers would of been layed off, which of course would of had a residual effect on the economy. Also, there very well may not have been so many extended unemployment benefits. That would of meant a weaker economy for the short-term. Infrastructure projects, well there was so little in the first stimulus bill, I believe approximately 10% of it was used fo this, so at most there would of been slightly less under McCains plan. Housing plan, well, negligible effect for Obama, and I'm sure McCain wouldn't have had anything muchbetter, not for short term anyway. So end result for the short-term less economic growth. Longer-term effect. Those monies used to support local and state governments, only played a positive effect for the economy for a very short period. State jobs were based on R.E bubble era revenues, extremely overbloated, when the stimulus money ran out, those jobs were gone, hence the continued deterioriation o local and state gov. jobs. It's a painful natural process that has to play out. Unemployment benefits, sure, it is helping prop up the economy, however it isalso encouraging SOME people to stay unemployed. There are more people who have been out of work over a 6 month period than an anytime in US history. There is what I call job atrophy occuring,people are losing job skills, people have lost hope and some people are content milking everything they can out of the government until they can't anymore, in the meantime they are falling further and further behind. If the workforce was the size that it was in 2008, the unemployment rate would be at 10.9% Thats freaking amazing, this 8.5% number doesn't paint an accurate picture, at all. I find it more troubling that people feel so hopeless thatthey quit looking for a job all together, therefore dropping out of the workforce, making the jobless situation appear much better than it actually is. Dodd Frank Bill, Obama Care and the EPAs ridiculous crusade have all been netjob killers, I don't believe its as much as the hardcore right wingers believe, but it has been without a doubt been a net negative on the margins. The cost of capital has gone up which is never a good thing for companies that want to startup or expand. Also the psychology of added regulations is also playing a factor with companies. Obamas policies helped in the short-term, but long-term policies have been corrosive.
  3. I mentioned this before but Mitt phrased this perfectly, it's a fight for America's soul. It's an inflection point, do we move more towards a wealth distributing nanny state or do we go back to our capitalistic system. No system is perfect, and without a doubt people have all the rights in the world to look at the gross misdeeds that occurred during the years of Wall Street Gone Wild, but it is the system that made the U.S number one in virtually almost every economic category. There just need to be better Enforced regulations,not more, just better implemented. All one has to do is look at Europe, is this what we want to become? High debt, high taxes and high unemployment? No thanks
  4. On a semi-related note, I was watchin Mornin Joe this mornin, and David Gregory was giving his recap of last nites debate, and to show you how ideologically ill-equipped he is to host a show such as Meet the Press, he criticized the candidates up on the stage for not having a plan to help the housing market. In other words, he either is not able to fathom the possibility that allowing the market to find its natural bottom is indeed a solution, OR that he is such a partisan hack that he is making a dishonest case to discredit them. It's one of the two.
  5. Well, Obama may win, that's a possibility, the only way is if he successfully racks up Mitt's negative favorability so high,that they go for the lesser of two evils argument. Having said that, Obama doesn't have a good story to tell, the economy is underperforming what it should be doing, health care??? Now thats funny, Obama didnt even mention it in his State of the Union address, and in regards to turning this economy around, that is only working with those who lean to the left. He doesn't have a positive record to run on, independents see him as your typical tax and spend liberal. Romney on the other hand has a list of accomplishments to run on. When Independents have to make thatchoice,they will have to choose either for the big government liberal who failed on his promises including apoor record on the economy, or with the out of touch wealthy man that may not like too much personally, but that is infinitely more qualified to get this economy going. At the end of the day, they'll choose the man that has a better chance at improving their lives. And I always said Mitts challenge will be getting out of the primaries, and the man is beginning to find his voice. At the end of the day, those in his own party that don't like him will vote for him, when push comes to shove.
  6. Good idea? Okey dokey Larry Sabato disagrees. Also, surprises me someone of your intelligence happens to believe that Obama will win over the independents over a candidate such as Romney. Just curious and for ***** and giggles, what makes you believe that Obama will win over the independents? Considering he hasn't been able to break into the 40's since after the health insurance debacle?
  7. http://www.erowid.org/chemicals/dmt/dmt.shtml I never had a bad experience but knew others that have. Very short duration, best used during sunny days in natural settings, hallucinogenic rush but before use, you gotta know whats up.
  8. Dude, just put your money into US Bonds, seems to be a good fit for you.
  9. Mitt was ready for Newt, and he finally gave the type of answers he needed against charges against his wealth, investments and taxes. He finally looked comfortable in his own skin. My guess is that he wins Florida by at least 5 points, barring no unforseen unforced errors.
  10. Oh yeah, they know whats up, they know who the real Gingrich is much better than the general public. They worked with this guy, they know how erratic, egomaniacal, self-absorbed, delusional (I'm sure I'm missing a bunch of other adjectives) and unpredictable he is. They also realize that the ultimate liberal wet dream for this upcoming election cycle is a Newt vs Obama matchup. You see Larry Sabato's crystal ball prediction? Gingrich getting crushed and Mitt up slightly over Obama, and Larry Sabato is the best in the business. Think about this, this is with conservatives still not nearly coalescing around Mitt yet, wait until we get to July, and the Obama machine is applying their full court left wing press, conservatives are gonna be so outraged, that they'd vote ANYONE into office other than Obama, which means in the swing states, Mitt's numbers could be better than what we are seeing today. Btw, 5 out of the last 6 polls have Romney beating Obama in Florida, and in each o those polls, the best Gingrich does against Obama is down by 7. Yeah, that's the best he has. Also, anyone happen to catch Nancy's complete turnaround today? She pretty much said the Newt case is case closed. Hmmmmm, yeah, I can tell you what happened there, the Obama team called her up and said "What the !@#$ are you thinking??? Don't you see that we have attack ads against Romney in Florida? Don't you know this is who we are attacking, this is who we hope loses in FLorida? Knock it off!"
  11. Wow! did you guys here pieces of Newt's stump tirade today? Dude went on an incoherent, diatribed rant today. Newt Unhinged! I predict tonite is gonna get really nasty tonite.
  12. Yeah, but he makes alot of money, so that makes him inherently evil, I mean Romney makes $21 M a year this guy makes about 30 times more, AND he's Retired!!! I'm sorry we can't take what this guys says seriously, afterall he represents the 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000.1% Come on man! think of the 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999%
  13. A true sign of weakness.... admission of guilt
  14. Those who have difficulty coping with their perceived lives injustices; complain, gripe and cry foul. Those who focus on themselves and the task at hand, usually are able to move forward.
  15. Wow! I see that your true colors are on full display for everyone to see
  16. Yeah, but look at the competition he was up against. I mean come on, it was only the SEC
  17. No, it wasn't as simple as that, not only was their lost production during that time period, but there is a residual loss that continues. You see, many of those rigs aren't owned by the oil companies, they lease them, and when they were sitting idle, some of the rig owners moved shop and other oil companies leased them in different deep sea locations. Rig leasing is in extremely high demand, companies pay top dollar for them, specially deep sea rigs, so when the moratoria hit, some of them dipped.
  18. Both. But there were the cries of foul that somehow, Bush was funneling these high priced barrels in which they inferred he was responsible for, were for the benefit of his oil buddies in Texas, and it wasn't just a few morons, there were many.
  19. I don't give a **** about all that, I'll leave that up to the morons, I'm just speaking facts and tellin it how it is.
  20. I've figured it out, you listen to Sean Hannity on the radio during the afternoon (which I don't believe I have ever listened not even 1 minutes worth in my entire life) , you read artices on Redstate, you are in reality a hardcore rightwinger. This whole shtick you have of you know, acting like the biggest leftist moron is all a charade, you do this to tarnish liberals, to make them appear as if they just fell off of the turnip truck. Bravo Dave Bravo!!!
  21. She's right! Newt will never ever ever be president of the U.S and the sooner you numbskulls realize that, the better the opportunity there will be to get Obama out of office.
  22. Yep, that wasn't a typo at all Dude, you must be getting tired. Get some sleep.
  23. Yep, when it comes to pricing, markets, data and trends, not a single one of those dummies do. That's just how it is. Now keep drinking the kool-aid BD, cuz you know, thats just what you do.
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