All of them. To go back to the topic of the nearly impossible task Boehner had, earlier in the year, Pelosi backed taxing millionaires.
Then earlier in the year, Shumer backed a millionaire's tax, remember, the Buffett Rule.
The fact that Boehner accepted raising rates is a huge compromise. The original deal had 800B in tax increases, his new proposal had 1.2 Trillion. Very unpopular bill with R's. So rather than trying to make this work, Pelosi who earlier backed this plan, whipped up the votes so that it wouldn't go through. R's could of had have more than half of their caucus support this unpopular bill, but there was no support from any D's. If the D's would of supported it, the president would of basically had the Buffett rule pass, which is something that D's advocated.
As I said, they keep moving the goal posts.