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Everything posted by Magox

  1. Ray Lewis does it, Ok Tebow does it, Bad
  2. I still don't get how this ad was false. Someone please help me out here.
  3. For me it's simple, if others are doing it to get an edge and you are directly competing against them, then I don't have a problem with it, but if you get caught, that's the risk you took and you deserve the consequences.
  4. I don't fault him for "cheating", the whole cycling world was doping, and if you want to fall in the world of irrelevance, then you can stay clean and not be competitive. If you are fiercely competitive and you want to be relevant, then you even the playing field. From my perspective, where he loses major points is how he treated people in order to protect his legacy. In a nutshell, that's my views on this matter
  5. I don't care if he lied, he's a 22 year old...
  6. Out of curiosity, what similarities do you see from Andy Dalton and Nassib? Where did you come up with this comparison?
  7. I seem to remember reading a thread where DC TOM and Simon got into a tiff about how he was temporarily banned and made mention of how he planned on visiting the site less.
  8. He's 22 years old, 22 year olds do stupid and unexplainable things at time.. I'm certainly not gonna brand the kid for the rest of his life because he did something stupid.
  9. That's the main cog of the liberal plank. Gotta hand it to B.O, he's mastered it.
  10. Very solid pickup
  11. It's not that they lie, it's that the variables they use don't depict an accurate picture.
  12. While I agree with this sentiment, now you're conflating one subject with another.
  13. Holy crap, this was an absurdly infantile statement to make.. You sound like a petulant 13 year old. You do know that the vast majority of presidents win when they are the incumbent don't you? All he has done was won re election and here you are boasting this ordinary occurrence as if it were Phil Jackson coaching the Bulls during their Dynasty.
  14. I think the best response from Liberals would be to acknowledge that they are bankrupting this country, and a simple acknowledgement by the party of at least a problem with perception and a restrained but genuine mea culpa and apology. Worse would be an insincere one. What we get is what we expect. A refusal to even see a problem.
  15. Ah, so when politicians say that want "to cut ______ from the budget" it's a form of racism?
  16. And an effective one at that.
  17. One of the things that sickens me the most, are these manufactured "dog whistles" created by leftist race baiters, intended to inflame and create controversy in order to advance their own agenda. I can't stand it, it makes me want to puke.
  18. I just added one more, make that three
  19. Birdog, what say you about this?
  20. Lets see here. 1) Powell Endorses Climate Change legislation Cap and Trade 2) Powell Endorses higher taxes on the wealthy 3) Powell Endorsed the ACA 4) Powell Endorses the closing of Guantanamo Bay 5) Powell Endorses further restrictions on Guns 6) Powell Supports socially liberal positions 7) Powell Endorses the Dream Act 8) Powell Endorsed Obama over McCain 9) Powell Endorsed Obama over Romney 10) Powell hears the same "dog whistles" that the MSNBC crew hears 11) Powell shifts his position on Gay Marriage 12) Powell shifts his position on DADT (I also support some of these positions as well, but this is just to illustrate examples of Powell's positions over the past five years) Sorry, but Powell is no Moderate Republican. He's a liberal. Nothing wrong with that, that's just how he views things, but let's not pretend he is a "moderate republican", all he does by claiming to be one is provide cover for the president. Over the past five years, he's made a substantial shift to the left.
  21. Talkin of Tom, where is that curmudgeon?
  22. Almost Crayonz like
  23. Yes, but mine are right.
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