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Everything posted by Magox

  1. The pass rushers. My guess is that Ansah will impress and continue to climb up the draft charts.
  2. Read more: http://thehill.com/blogs/healthwatch/health-insurance/284387-employer-based-health-coverage-hits-new-low#ixzz2LfZEcfMb
  3. I'm too mentally exhausted to get into this subject again. So I'll defer this to a later date. Maybe
  4. That is not punitive.....Do you understand what that word means? Inflicting or intended as punishment. (of a tax or other charge) Extremely high. Well, the purpose of raising the wage isn't meant to inflict damage, it is to increase the living wage relative to profit growth and inflation. So that leaves #2, is it "extremely high" ? ya, I'm gonna go with no. As profits and inflation rises, so do wages. So again, your position is illogical. Also, I guess you haven't been paying attention to what has been being said in this thread. What I said earlier was and and I understand, you are a purist, which to be honest with you, there is a part of me that respects that and another part that tells me that purists are rigid and intolerant by nature. So the idea of keeping a static minimum wage is completely and utterly absurd which belies any sort of logical thinking that from my view could only be shared with the opinion of either an extreme ideologue or a complete dumb ass. I'm guessing you aren't a dumb ass.
  5. Well, let's just hope that policy makers don't make "offhand" decisions. Actually, now that I think about it, that may represent an improvement of how decisions have been made.
  6. That's fine, but that's a whole 'nother subject. I believe when you responded to my post, I was discussing the politics of the situation. As you know, politics matter, without a doubt, Obama is a master politician, and they have perfected the art of demagoguery, but when it comes to governing, Obama hasn't the slightest clue in how to help produce good results for the economy. So the question is if you are the opposing party, and you are taking political hits from the president, politically speaking, what do you do?
  7. That is not punishing business. As profit grows and inflation rises, so do wages. That's simply logical.
  8. Sorry but the cost of living isn't static, and if we were to to be able to accurately gauge profit growth as a whole, it certainly would be much greater than the increases brought on by inflation.
  9. I agree with you for the most part, however I do believe that minimum wage should be indexed and raised to some sort of inflation metric.
  10. He is a former track guy (in other words he's fast) and all time record holder for receptions at USC. Had over 100 receptions the year before last. Some say he is a first rounder. So probably 1st or 2nd.
  11. You may or may not be right, but production matters. The word "talent" encompasses more than just being a phenomenal open field runner.
  12. Unreal. How we forget so quickly. Barney Frank, Schumer and Maxine Waters shouldn't have any credibility in anything of importance for the rest of their lives.
  13. That is a concern. Having said that, for his size, he looks as if he has great speed and vision. Plus his ability to plant and cut is pretty phenomenal.
  14. So he gets the blame if we draft a dud, but he shouldn't be there to see who we draft?
  15. That is pretty damning. While we're at it, remember this golden oldie? "I think this is a case where Fannie and Freddie are fundamentally sound, that they are not in danger of going under. They’re not the best investments these days from the long-term standpoint going back. I think they are in good shape going forward." Or the infamous "I do not want the same kind of focus on safety and soundness [in the regulation of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac] that we have in the office in comptroller of currency or office of the thrift supervision. I want to roll the dice a little bit more in this situation towards subsidized housing." Ah, the good ol days.
  16. I think that pretty much nails it.
  17. There are a lot of places to pin the blame, but undoubtedly the government was one of the main culprits in this whole disaster.
  18. I'd sure like to have him as our second round pick. However, I just don't think he'll be there.
  19. I didn't say I was for or against. What I said was that we need to do extensive studies, done by honest brokers who can determine the impacts good and bad. You scoffed at that suggestion, which makes you an ideologue.
  20. http://www.politico.com/politico44/2013/02/obama-helping-rich-only-that-binds-gop-together-157542.html?hp=f2
  21. If there is anything that I wouldn't want to be, it would be a Crayonz deciple.
  22. That is why it doesn't make sense to sign Landry. We have too many priorities to take care of and not enough funds to take care of it with.
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