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Big Curt

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Everything posted by Big Curt

  1. I, and for all the people who cancel their season tickets go ahead. That would be a choice that you have the right to make. I don't blame you if that is what you really want to do. He killed dogs and he did his time, he lost millions, let this go. Life goes on. I don't want to be insensitive to PETA and the other animal groups but I think the logical person would want these crimes he committed to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, this has been done. The logical person might want the offender to be fined, or have to pay for the care of the surviving animals, this has been does as well. The logical would want the offender to have to create more publicity to the illegal and immoral practices of dog fighting; this has been done as well. The logical person would want the offender to pay a high price for his crimes, this has been done. My question is; what else do you want to be done to this man? It seems to me that everything that can be done to Vick legally, morally and financially has be done already.
  2. It seems would make sense moving training camp to Toronto and see if that can generate more fans from there. I think this would bring more fans to the games when the Bills play there.
  3. Someone like me? You don't know me from a can of paint, but I’m educated enough to recognize that I'm not a genius and I’m man enough to admit it. I have common sense as well, which ultimately takes you further in life. I guess you’re one of the Friggin stupid individuals I'm talking about. My statements would only bother you if you are one of these individuals. Do me a favor and take the sand out.
  4. I think a lot you of you guys are just friggen stupid. Yes I said it, stupid. I'm not questioning your academic minds, for many of you are a lot smarter than me book wise, but common sense wise and being open minded, I don't know about some of you. The facts are Vick was already suspended indefinitely when the allegations started to become facts. This is the 2nd suspension Goodell has given him. Vick will be suspended twice for the same thing. So Vick has not received a NFL pay check in over 2 yrs because the indefinite suspension has lasted until now. I think Goodell is doing this to please the rabid fans like yourselves who want more blood to shed. Vick has already been destroyed, punished and embarrassed beyond belief. (Although it is well deserved) Just kick a man while when is down, what else do you people want to do to this man? Let him and the rest of the world move on. I think he has learned his lesson, don’t you?
  5. Tank Johnson and Jamall Lewis comes to mind. They served jail time and were not suspended for a full year.
  6. Honestly, you people on this board with your hate for Vick sickens me. I am a dog lover, I'll always be a dog lover, but I think people need to look at the facts. Vick did a terrible crime, but a crime to animals. Animals are killed every day by humans in our society. We hunt turkeys, deer, rabbit and a whole host of animals on a yearly basis. rooster fighting is a worldwide sport; MMA fighters pummel each other for our sick entertainment. Where do we draw the line with our passions for blood? Dog fighting is illegal, he served his time; he lost millions. If he gets suspended for an additional year, what does that really prove? Do we have to explain to our kids why we killed kill deer? His biggest crime was he made money from illegal practices not that he fought dogs. Society gets paid for practices that hurt others. Beer companies, tobacco companies, and gun companies. Where is the outrage when a kid kills another with a gun? Nobody cares. Get your own mind; think for yourselves and stop following others because others hate Vick. I think thought he was bigger than the system, he lied numerous times and he deserved the time he served and the damage to his rep. When will we give him a chance to redeem himself? When will he have a chance to be forgiven for his wrong? Convicted felons are people also, if we continue to treat ex-cons so harshly they will only commit more crimes to earn a living. I would welcome Vick to the Bills with open arms. If you stop going to Bill games because the Bills sign him. It will be more tickets available for someone else. If you take away a man’s earning potential, what else are they going to do but get involved in more illegal practices. People can change you know, give him a chance. If he does anything like this again, then ban him for life.
  7. I will admit the Buffalo area is not SF, Philly or Dallas, but Buffalo is not Green Bay, Jacksonville or Indy either. Toronto is right down the road and Western NY offers everything anyone would need besides the nightclubs. He'll be fine in WNY if he utilizes the entire area.
  8. I believe this is all PR. The NFL is not a privilege; it is a place where if you have the talent and can make an owner millions of dollars then you can play. DUI's are a crime but NFL players continue to get them. People do not take in account just how dangerous drinking and driving is. If he gets more than a year, then EVERY player in the NFL should get the same thing (even without a tragic accident) Rodger Goodell should have a mandatory minimum penalty of one year suspension for a DUI and I guarantee they will stop happening. The legal system is what it is, it is not always fair but it is just. When an adult woman has consensual sex with an underage 16 yr old boy she gets probation. If an adult man has consensual sex with an underage 16 yr old girl he gets 10 yrs. Some people get a break, I won't hate on them, it just is what it is. I think he got off easy considering the crime, but he pleaded guilty and took full responsibility for his actions. The victim's family agrees with the sentence so why should we be so upset. Let the family and Stallworth move on, his penalty will be that he is not that good anymore and no team will sign him. If he had a world of talent, it would be a different story. Teams will be lining up to sign him once the suspension is over but I don't think that is going to happen. His career may be over anyway.
  9. I disagree with weather being a main factor not to come back. CHI, MINN/St. Paul, NYC, Philly and a host of northern cities have harsh winters. To each his own, but I believe these other northern cities still continue to thrive is because the opportunity and the ecomomies are much better. CHI and Minn/St. Paul winters are more brutal than Buffalo but dozens of companies and corporations are based in these cities. This allows jobs to flow and people go when the jobs are no matter how cold it is.
  10. I can't tell you what to do but if you choose to move back make sure it is what you really want. I'm in the military and I really want to move back to Buffalo once I get done with my service but it depends mostly on the economy. I love my hometown and I wish it thrives but realistically it may need more help than it can be given. If you do move back good for you, I know so many who have left and have no intention of ever coming back. To answer your question the 23 to 33 age ranges of people are the ones to leave for employment/better opportunity. Good luck in finding them, this is the age range of people that Buffalo needs to stay or import to become a better city. If all of the 20 somethings continue leave after college the cycle will continue. Word to the wise make sure you have a stable job before you move back first, enjoy your family second. Good luck!
  11. Micheal Vick broke the law. He killed dogs and upset a dog loving nation. He was wrong but he lost over $ 100 milion dollars, served two years in prision and is labled for the rest of his life. People please let this go. If a sex offender can obtain employment, why can't Vick? Do we dislike Asians because they kill and eats dogs? No we don't. Why is ok for people to get paid for killing others ex. military,tobacco companies, alcohol distributers and many others. He has suffered enough and needs to be able to move on with his life. I would embrace him with open arms. I love dogs but some dogs are pets, some are for protection. In order to get a dog for protection you have to make it somewhat vicious. How do you think it gets that way? You have to make it that way! Train it to kill if need be! Dogs are not endangered species in any way. Love your dogs & have a great day!
  12. The Bills are Buffalo. I joined the military years ago. I was born and raised in Buffalo, been thrugh the Super Bpwl losses and all the dissapointment over the years. Nothing would break my heart more than the Bills leaving the area, even if it's Toronto. I've been to Toronto a few times and It's a great city. Nothing compares to going to the Ralph and watching a game, the tailgating and all of the celebration of being a Bills fan. Reality has set in for me though, people are leaving the area like crazy, downtown sucks. I hate bringing friend with me when I go home, we have a great time but we spend most of our time in Canada. I take them downtown and their like, wtf? If having the Bills stay home means playing a few games in Toronto, I'm all for it. If they leave for good, I can't be the same supportive fan. Think it about this honestly, If the citizens of Buffalo hate the city and move. Why would anyone else want to stay here. We have to improve our city and take pride first and foremost. If the population gets any worse in WNY, no team or owner will be able to continue to take the fiscal losses that will happen. Its time for the stuck up thriving suburbs of Buffalo to finally merge together with the city and centralize the county. Eventually the whole area will be flushed down the toilet and all will be lost. I beleive if the city becomes more attractive an owner might want to stay in the area. Even a new stadium in the Falls might help our cause, as long as we are still named the Buffalo Bills.
  13. All I'm wondering is what does Soprano has to about this!!
  14. If the Bills sign T.O. it would excite me. I think the Bills need to make some bold moves in order to win. Mr Wilson is 90 yrs. old and I believes he want to win before he passes. If this does happen, I'll know that as a fan we are trying to put a winning team together.
  15. What I would do is believe it or not is trade Marshawn Lynch for Anquan Boldin. I would take Bennie Wells in the First round, he and Fred Jackson can do the same job the Marshawn and Fred are doing now. The Bills are not going to draft a reciever who is this kind of player. Arizona needs a running back, Steve Breaston is ready to become a number two reciever. I agree to trade Jason Peters, not because he is not a good player but because Langston Walker and Derrick Dockery still make more money than he does and will continue to, so I don't know how happy he'll be in the future knowing that. Get all you can for a pro bowler and continue to use the draft to sure up your offensive and defensive lines. The tight end situation is a lot more complicated, I would bulk up James Hardy, he seems like he will be able to get open if a LB or a safety is covering him since he can't get open against corners. Just a thought.
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