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Everything posted by Bullsfan

  1. Enough Marrone bashing....lets see what kind of staff he puts together before we bash him. I for one am excited to see C.J. Spiller more in an offense that is similar to the offense I watch Syracuse use against West Virginia. As for the quarterback situation? We could do a lot worse than Ryan Nassib that was ranked 12th in the country for quarterbacks. I for one and ready for change and this hire is exactly that!!! It shows me that status quo is no longer acceptable so we will see.
  2. so I know i will get ripped for this but here goes.....A very close and very reliable person who is very, very, very close to Russ Brandon let it slip that while yes Chip Kelly is at dinner still with the Eagles the bills have made him an offer earlier today. Whether or not he accepts is another story. His lawyers are with him because of the Bills offer. It is expected that the Browns will counter the offer but it is down to Buffalo and Cleveland. Bills have continued to interview in case the bidding war gets crazy out of hand.
  3. Honestly we don't need a Quarterback with injury problems. We haven't heard the whole story with Barkley yet. I think he is hurt a lot worse than we were all led to believe. As far as a QB for the future maybe we go after one via FA. What about Chase Daniel?
  4. As a graduate of Notre Dame, I can tell you if you want Brian Kelly to leave Notre Dame it would be for a couple reasons. First he wins a National Championship. There would be nothing left to accomplish at the college level. He turned the Fighting Irish into an undefeated National Champion in 3 years. Could he want to beat Ara and win 3 National Championships? Possibly but seriously how likely is that? Secondly would be money. I am sure the lure of being one of the most prolific winners in college football and then going to the NFL and turn an organization into a Superbowl Champion is there. Will 6 mil get it done? Not sure, what is Cleveland willing to pay Chip Kelly? It will undoubtedly be more than that to get the other Kelly.
  5. while Johnny Manziel did look good last night I think it is premature to talk about who the Bills should draft. First things first. Lets hire a qualified head coach and see what type of offense he runs. Secondly there is another Sr. quarterback that no one is talking about that has played well all season and led his team to a major bowl game. I mean if you want to consider his 2012 season, completing 180-of- 272 passes for 2.490 yards for 15 touchdowns and seven interceptions, and rushing for 890 yards and 22 touchdowns en route to an 11-1 record. Why not Collin Klein? Just sayin.
  6. why not go back to a red style helmet all together? To many teams currently have white. Lets go back to the red and make it easier for the QB'sto pick up visually...
  7. Rumor has it Collin Klein and maybe Chase Daniel for the F/A
  8. still no more talk of Bates from Tampa?
  9. Why are we so quick to pass judgemnt on all these hires? Keep in mind Chan Gailey has a winning record as a coach something Dick Jauron didn't have yet we still compare them? Gailey has won everywhere he has coached and took the Cowboys to 2 straight playoff appearances. Granted he lost in the first round but at this point and after the debacle that Marv has caused in the wake of his personal friend Jauron. I'll take it as a sign we are moving in the right direction. It's baby steps right now. Let's gives these guys a chance before we pass judgement.
  10. Finally an alternative to the worst sports radio show ever. Someone is going to have to explain how the hell did these 2 idiots win an award for excellence in sports reporting. Maybe we can take uo another billboard collection to get these 2 removed from the airwaves?
  11. A very reliable source has confirmed Russ Brandon is indeed in Detroit right now as of this post. He is there to either offer the Head Coaching job to someone or recommend someone to Ralph. We will all know in 48 hrs or less according to this source. SHE doesn't work for the Bill but is married to someone who does.
  12. Pappazoid, 1.get a new avatar 2. Anyone can copy and paste wiki 3. C'mon man come up with something original. Look folks this isn't that hard to comprehend. The Bills wanted someone with HC experience Chan Gailey has that not only does he have that he made it to the playoffs each year. 2nd they wanted an offensive minded coach which Chan Gailey has been very successful at. 3rd Even Thigpen was a good year under Gailey when he was at KC so maybe there is still hope for the mess we have at the QB position right now.
  13. Tim, If Chan Gailey does infact turn out to be the next Head Coach of the Buffalo Bills are their any rumors or thoughts to who he would bring in coordinator wise ? What kind of connections does he have left in the NFL?
  14. OK again does anyone know if there was a falling out with or has any heard Mike Shermans name mentioned. I believe he was the other finalist when Marv hired DJ. Sherman has all the credentials the Bills are looking for, HC experience, offensive minded, proven winner and excellent evaluator of talent.
  15. Whatever happened to Mike Sherman? wasn't he a finalist for the HC job when Marv went with DJ? He has HC experience, a wining record, offensive minded and was excellent in the draft.
  16. Frazier turned down the Seahawks and Gray interviewed for a position that wasn't available. Gray interviewed in week 8 while Jim Zorn was still the coach.
  17. I like many have my reservations on the Frazier choice because of the Dungy connection. It seems to me we are being force fed this whole Rooney Rule thing. Seattle never interviewed a black coach before hiring Pete Carroll. Neither did the Washington Redskins. Now that Dungy is close with Goodell it seems he is using NBC as his stage to do his preaching. It shouldn't matter what color the person is the best qualified candidate should get the position regardless of who you know. This whole because I am black I am entitled thing is crap.
  18. um look again jackass I was a member before you and will be a member long after you just because I don't have the time nor patience to sit on here and post to every little infantile comment doesn't mean I am not watching...so papazoid or whoever the hell you are you can officially kiss my a**
  19. Tony you have a valid point and I for one share those exact thoughts and feelings. It is only a matter of time before that idiot Quinn running the Sabres will try and do the same thing.
  20. Thanks Josh for a well made and thoughtful point. You are invited to my place to play golf anytime.
  21. bills fan- why not just ask the golf pro at the club his house is on? I am sure he is a member
  22. 1. This is a Turbo Prop plane 2. Ralph's Private Jet is exactly that a Jet (no props) 3. This plane is leased 4. Ralph owns his Jet he doesn't rent it or lease it 5. If you did your homework or search properly you would see that this plane was leased by someone that owns a furniture store and not the Buffalo Bills. Please guys c'mon really are we that desperate? Bill Cowher is not coming here period we will hire on the cheap as usual ie: Buddy Nix (not like anyone of us heard his name mentioned even once before he was hired)
  23. I think he would suggest we all go on medication and seek professional help
  24. How about this?...Bill Cowher lives on the same street as Butch Davis in Raleigh....Cowher HC and Davis DC? the master plan coming together nicely....now where are those damn planes?
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