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Everything posted by NyQuil

  1. The bigger joke is Notre Dame getting to play in a BCS bowl if they are ranked. They played 9 home games and only 3 road games this season. Good thing they suck.
  2. I was going to say it would be cool to see Favre play once. Then I remember I watched him win at the Ralph as a member of the Jets.
  3. You can easily find 201 via torrent.
  4. IMO if we can't get Luck trade back for more picks. This team has so many needs.
  5. When I apply to med schools in 18 months I am deactivating my facebook account until I get an acceptance.
  6. I loved how it ended with MintBerryCrunch and his goth sister.
  7. Tell them you like coffee and soda (or pop if you prefer) to show how much of a rebel you are!
  8. From PTI earlier. http://i618.photobucket.com/albums/tt261/rehague/lol.jpg
  9. The Detroit and Denver ones made me LOL.
  10. Excited to see HP but I'll probably walk away shaking my head just like I've done for the last four movies. Initially when I read the book I thought one movie would work because they could cut out about 300 pages of them just camping in various places in Britain. Then when I reread the book I realized they couldn't. Two movies is a good idea.
  11. At my ambulance company we do a CME once a year called Piggie Parts. Its basically looking at the internal anatomy of a pig because its similarity to a human. Then we have pulled pork for food. And no, I'm not kidding.
  12. Do you really love the lamp or are you just looking at things in the room and saying you love them?
  13. Enjoy. Then come to one at the Ralph but make sure you show up by 9am and spot the differences.
  14. I wonder how mnay tickets they will have to give away this year.
  15. Imagine if the Bills only win this year comes in Canada.
  16. I hope they all got assault charges. What bunch of !@#$ingp pansies.
  17. Just stop with the LA business. They tried and failed. Twice.
  18. Are people really blaming Polian for the failure of teams once they get to the SB?
  19. Isn't he also realted to Cheney? BFD.
  20. At least I've never lied about my loyalties.
  21. I definately saw a lot of paper bag guys yesterday and no one started fighting with them. It'll be interesting to see just how bad it gets.
  22. I like Fitz but he's a bandaid, not a fix.
  23. Surprised none of the Genny brand on there. I do however see a lot of beers I enjoyed between 18-24 on there.
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