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Everything posted by NyQuil

  1. Blacking out preseason. LOL. I'll be there...to work 8 hours of overtime.
  2. I believe in vaccines and when I have children they will get them as well.
  3. I call dibs on 39.
  4. As I said in an earlier thread this week: What you really want to FInd is the pRoper SiTe that will ResOnate With you on a perSonal level. The one that you feel a Part Of a Real community. That will give you the moSt enjoyment out of finding a Stream and not just another DOTCOM.
  5. Apparently I am working the next seven Sundays in a row. FML.
  6. What you really want to FInd is the pRoper SiTe that will ResOnate With you on a perSonal level. The one that you feel a Part Of a Real community. That will give you the moSt enjoyment out of finding a Stream and not just another DOTCOM.
  7. So how much is it to park in Hammers Lot?
  8. My partner today was an EMT-B like me. After she drove to the first call I volunteered to drive all day.
  9. Almost every Canadian I have talked to at a Bills game shares this sentiment.
  10. As an EMT I love law enforcement. Biggest thankless job in the world.
  11. Comparing someone helping people with a horrible disease like ALS die with dignity to the Holocaust. Amazing.
  12. I understand you make the announcement and then wait for the excitement to build. But LOL.
  13. I work in a retail pharmacy, Lipitor, Plavis and Concerta will be the biggest ones.
  14. I just cleared as a basic medic so I need to do that for a while before driver training (thats how my company does it) but we've gone 75 in a 55 to a location.
  15. Here in NY we are told that when you are going lights and sirens its 5 over on city roads and 10 over on expressways. No one really follows that but usually if you get into an accident, you are screwed. I am not sure of the particulars of firefighters going hot because I am strictly vol ambulance. However we have four priorites (1-4) and 1 and 2 are always lights and sirens and always ALS. Priority 3 can be lights and sirens but not neccessarily and priority 4 is no light/no sirens and is usually a BLS call. Priority 2 and 4 are the most common, at least where I operate.
  16. Stop and call for additional units. Getting into an accident while going hot (lights and sirens) is tricky. Usually they will do a peer review with people the same level as the driver and find out if in that situation they would have gone lights and sirens. If the majority say no the driver is screwed. Also, even when going lights and sirens, an ambulance is still supposed to stop at red lights to make sure the coast is clear before running it.
  17. Indeed, exactly the opposite.
  18. Did that really happen? If so it gets the uberlulz. She actually did a bang up job with the exception of climbing the octaves on "land of the free." I think the WC has the right idea. Play an instrumental and let the fans sing if they want. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IG61wLD2Yr0&feature=related
  19. Low risk but high potential for reward.
  20. James Starks.
  21. Steelers. I hate Fatasaurus Ryan.
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