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Practice Squad (3/8)



  1. sorry to hear that,just another reason to go the game
  2. The counseling never worked. The affects they had on us were jarring. They fueled our complacency. In the end when they dust settled those guys were just full of malarkey. Now we are seeing this new counselor and he keeps telling us that he has a "plan" for us. He can be very convincing, he really had me going at the beginning. Now hes just like all the other other ones. My favorite post in a long time. I think you missed Greg Williams here? Im with ya though I have tickets to the Chargers game but it is way to late for me I booked hotels and everything
  3. ok ok ok....I didnt want to do this because I'll get killed on the reply's. I have a family member that is an extremely successful business man in Los Angeles. He was involved in the sale of the Angels to Disney (whom he refers to as fa king animals). This sale was very close to the upcoming sale of the Buffalo Bills in the respect that the owner Gene Autry was dying had owned the team since inception. Gene did not want to sell the team and his wife didnt want to keep the team. The problem was that since Gene owned the team from day one the value of the team he increased substantially and had no intention of paying the income tax on the increased value and if he left it to his wife who was intent on selling the team she would end up fitting the bill. My family members firm was brought in to finalize the sale from Gene Autry to Disney. There were many clauses and stipulations that dont really need to be explained, but this situation is very similar to the Buffalo Bills situation. So similar that when Jim Kelly was in LA my retired family member was asked to consult on the possible sale of the Buffalo Bills. Needles to say I now know that the Bills wont leave Buffalo no Toronto no Los Angeles. I know that this is information that has been speculated over and over again but I can say beyond the shadow of a doubt my family member has no reason to lie.
  4. trade Lee Evans...he is payed a ton of money and has no production..it might not be his fault but its the reality
  5. I'm not really gonna miss him. I can't ever remember reading anything that he wrote that I hadn't heard or read anywere else. Besides he just bashes the Bills in his articles. The only difference from him and the collection of people that post on these boards is that he gets paid to do it. I think we give him entirely too much credit.
  6. Haven't we gone over this issue enough? He's the coach we all have to just live with it. Besides how many of you are personally at or exceeded your expectations at your current workplace?
  7. nobody like dolphins fans
  8. good to know ill be there this weekend....Silver 06 GTO....I promise I wont be that drunk when I drive
  9. Kinda tires of draft, tebow and head office bashing threads so I thought id tell you guys a funny story. I was driving on the 101 the other night and a highway patrolman pulled mover right next to Universal studios. As usual I grab my license and registration while he makes his way over. I roll down my window and he says "do you know why I pulled you over?" Naturally I didn't. He replies with " I saw your license plate frame and I pulled you over because your a Buffalo Bills fan" at first I thought it was funny but then he came back and said my license was suspended and took my car. Right as he was on his way he asked me if I had any questions and I said "you must be a dolphins fan". BTW I am bored at the DMV typing this on my phone.
  10. Relax everyone...its from a movie
  11. http://www.kffl.com/player/6094/nfl/news no big surprise
  12. Tim cant fail.....he was sent by god
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