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Everything posted by vincec

  1. Why is Maybin not playing in obvious passing situations? Is Kelsay really a better pash rusher than him?
  2. It's not easy to go deep when you're laying on your back.
  3. I can see why the Panthers were interested in trading for him a couple of years ago. He would fit right in with them.
  4. Weak FG call there... lucky for the Bills.
  5. Only 2-1/2 starting caliber players there out of the 7.
  6. Hmm... Defense not looking so good here.
  7. So, if Byrd is the new starting FS, who plays SS? Donte or Scott? I vote Scott.
  8. As soon as his contract is up or we get a new front office. Whichever comes first.
  9. Stop jogging... like you ever score.
  10. Delhome is the Bills best chance to win this game.
  11. The bird...
  12. I hope that Fitz has his track shoes on.
  13. He's our best linebacker.
  14. The Panthers look close to breaking one of these runs already, and the Bills aren't even tired yet...
  15. It's too early to know the situation, but we really need to be looking for a LT in the first round UNLESS we pick top 5. Then I would take the best available player available regardless of position. Maybe a CB.
  16. No point in cutting Parrish. I say, bring him into training camp with the other receivers, let him compete and let the new coach decide. I doubt he makes the team, but you might as well keep him this year for the body and next year in case the new coach sees something in him.
  17. That's the key. To paraphrase a quote from Rudy- If Parrish had 1/10 the heart of Welker he'd be All Pro by now. As it is, he's third team.
  18. My thoughts exactly.
  19. Punt returners are a dime a dozen. Parrish can't play receiver so how much would you pay for an above average returner who plays maybe 5 plays a game? The Bills are much better off keeping him on the roster as an extra body until the season is over and then trying again to deal him. If they can't, he'll get cut in training camp.
  20. Fisher has lost his mind... "I wanted to feel like a winner"?! Can you imagine Jauron doing this? HA! Actually, it would be pretty funny if it was Jauron...
  21. Jauron is a decent defensive coach. That's what got him a head coaching job originally. Too bad that he has no clue about anything else...
  22. At the end of regulation, didn't the Bills still have one timeout when they let the clock run down from 26 seconds to attempt a field goal on second down? At least run another play... unless you're worried that they'd go offsides or lose yards like they did on the previous one. If they were willing to throw it, they could've run two plays. I guess they thought that a long Lindell field goal attempt into the wind was money in the bank. Time management is not a Dick Jauron strong point.
  23. I'm pretty sure that Jauron caused my hard drive to crash last week after the Cleveland Fiasco.
  24. Agree.
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