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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. maybe it my buffalo bias, but i thought the crowds in cinncy ,philly, and indy were not like bills playoff crowds, any type of bills crowds. maybe they have changed the crowd noise feed, but i always compare a bills crowd to the game im watching, was not impressed with any of them.. seattle has the stadium structure advantage, but anyway, i just do not see the bills not having that crowd willing them to win.
  2. very profound.. you are wasting your time on here.. 'MAKE THAT CHANGE" ..
  3. actually it was MSNBC , not NBC,but again, dont let reality, or facts get in the way... i never blamed obama, it was an analogy i made.. but because i am too lazy to get into it, nor think anyone would remotely give a sh%t, ill let it go.. i hope green bay wins, philly wins.. and crossman gets fired..
  4. yea, because it is nauseating reading about it.. nice "analysis"
  5. i am quite sure there were racist coaches in 1963, there were racist school teachers, lawyers, salesmen, fireman. it is not inconceivable.. is there a point somewhere????? you are attempting to make ??there is nothing worse on here than bills fans weighing in on social issues.. it is pathetic.. keep it to football.. AGAIN.. WHO CARES WHAT CHRIS KLUWE THINKS..
  6. that is all hypothetical..try living in reality.. if my fridge is low on beer, that is a concern, what an NFL punter thinks or says means nothing! there is not an instrument to measure my indifference on gay marriage .
  7. well said! right on the point of the topic.. its not about chandler fumbling or anything else the TO series apologists try to deflect..
  8. thanks for adding a bit of common senses here.. the OP point was valid, and was spot on.. but naturally lots of the usual blowhards on here have to knock each other over fighting to be the smartest guy in the room by over analyzing the premise.
  9. OK.. forget it, you are right, bills at the ralph, up 14 points in the elements, playing a dome team that was out of it, your right.. your "logic" is correct..
  10. yea, winning and going to the playoffs makes your "logic circular and non-sensical".. the OP was simply referring to how home field advantage may have helped in the atlanta game.
  11. i could not agree with you more! that money grab has bothered me since its inception.. as for all the sarcasm on here regarding your point, ignore it. lots on here just like to be the "smart glib guy".. it permeates the site unfortunately..
  12. i know i need a life, but at least it is a reason to watch the game. the other three this week could happen.. thanks for the info.
  13. we are the fans that have the "kick me" sign attached to our butts..never seems to end.. you sit and watch other teams, like yesterday and wonder what it would be like to really be in the hunt.. i am quite sick of the "off-season" that never seems to end..
  14. thank you for your service, and i can somewhat identify with your thought process. i am 61, been following them since their inception and am really getting sick of the emotional investment .. the thought of just letting go has crossed my mind, but could not do it..but i do get where you are..
  15. the NFL is getting to be unwatchable because of the horrendous officiating.. in addition, having to endure the bills just makes sundays not what they used to be.
  16. irony? what does that mean? premise? what does that mean? such big words!i think you have to be the smartest guy on here! i am no match for you.. you are way to too intelligent for me .. i guess i should stop posting and just scan the posts and look for your analytical responses to the various posts and become educated as to what a good post should be..
  17. D O A ! ok then.. why dont you go away. who cares what you think..
  18. for crissakes, stop.. "relevant example" ..why not just ignore the post, are you the criteria critic? i am a person who indulges in the board from time to time,, do not feel a need to prove a point.. WTF is the need to challenge ? a simple dialogue about green bay having trouble regarding tickets was all this was about..
  19. yea.. guess you are right! why would somebody on a bills message board want to spin something positive about the bills! what was i thinking!
  20. not really.. just pointing out that buffalo is not alone in selling out games in december with no playoff implications.. GRANTED!.. green bay is sold out.. but the zest for tickets is not there , no matter what , or whatever team.
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