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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. OBVIOUSLY..i dont care, if my use of the term standard was incorrect, so be it, my main point was men assaulting women.. if it would make you feel better ill go back and delete my reference to "double standard"
  2. you questioned my use of the term "double standard" the gist is about men assaulting women.. if i used "double standard" incorrectly GUILTY.. next..
  3. ok.. i do realize the content and grammar police are always lurking..but a man should not hit a woman
  4. my point, minus your evaluation is that is never ok to hit a woman.. i hope that clears it up, regardless of nitpicking what a "double standard" is.
  5. yea, those situations are quite common lol.. you "GET REAL"
  6. there is no double standard when it comes to a man assaulting a woman.. maybe i am old school, but i do not believe it is right under any circumstances ..
  7. so you are saying ray may have been "abused" hence the reason to knock a woman out? ok, guess that "justifies it".. nice..btw, there is a video showing him knocking her out, but "maybe she deserved it" , probably didnt listen or something like that..
  8. i know what TMZ is, just think you incorporating it into the discussion is weak.." making a blanket statement".. interesting.. "little demure homemakers" .. "big strong masculine fella" just my opinion, but those statements seem a little judgmental.. but in your world if you want to justify a man assaulting a woman.. go for it..just my opinion again, but ray rice doesnt strike me as a guy who would fall into the category , or be a part of, men domestically abused.
  9. dude.. you think it is alright to hit a woman?? DUDE.. are you serious.. btw, WTF is TMZ? is that on after springer, or before maury? you actually sound ridiculous.. you may want to look at the video.. but hey, she was dead weight on the video.. but you are right, "lets not pass judgment"
  10. THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR A MAN TO ASSAULT A WOMAN! "her own fault"! are you serious with that ?? what justifies a man assaulting a woman.?.. you may want to rethink that.. "her own fault" .. wow..
  11. if you say so..the mere fact he struck a woman, regardless if she sruck him first, whatever, is inexcusable.
  12. guess rice got the better of the skirmish, what a man.. !..
  13. just a guess, but i think he knocked her out either before they got in, or on, the elevator.. .the fact that he received a summons for assaulting her(allegedly) speaks volumes..
  14. http://profootballta...ee-unconscious/ what a freakin scumbag.. what is it with these guys ... abusing WOMEN?.. hard to like what is going on in the NFL.. rae carruth---------darren sharper.. lots in between..
  15. i agree, bradshaw seems to try too hard to be the "country bumpkin".. jimmy johnson very predicatble, strahan offers nothing, long is the only one who is tolerable,
  16. all the pre-game shows essentially stink, too much pop culture, no substance, the shows all look the same. ex-players trying to sound intelligent, a couple of "insiders" , weather , a jokester, unwatchable.. all of them..
  17. i am in agreement .. best tailgating.. if it worked in green bay it will work here.. the idea of hosting a super bowl because we get a new stadium is unrealistic or any other uses that a multi-purpose stadium would bring.. the ralph is fine and will be fine...
  18. well said, there is not a measuring device i am aware of that could measure my indifference on this subject..
  19. i guess , again, depends on how one defines "ignorance" ..in this case the assumption is that anyone who finds homosexuality undesirable is somehow ignorant?
  20. well, i agree with the operative word "opinion" .. everyone has one, is entitled to one.. and that is why i signed up for this forum.. it is opinion based.. i get tired of all the "non -experts " calling out those who's opinions may differ from their's..
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