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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. not sure if he actually owned it, but it was his name, along with richie lucas and don chelf who did lend their names.
  2. did see him play , R I P. (one of his son's, mike o'connell, had a decent NHL career also)..
  3. please.. enough of the sarcasm, if you missed the point, so be it..
  4. why him??? first the hunter situation, now this.. really has been numbing ... the run that team went on, his leadership, never again we will see that.. right now all i care about is jim beating this like he beat the bills opponents.. my prayers to him and his family..
  5. that is the one thing that will not go away. on the surface having the L A situation settled has always been looked upon as a positive by myself, and the rest of us. however, there is always the danger of which ever team(S) go to L A, those cities will now be a player for the bills.. shame wilson will not settle the ownership situation..
  6. i agree about the noise.. i think we are the loudest, if we had seattle's layout at the ralph, it would be no contest.. as it is, as loud as we are, lots of noise goes afar because of the expanse of the bowl and nothing to hold the noise in..
  7. just my opinion, but from what i see on T V,"jerry world" looks sterile and fans distant from the field.. in a perfect world, i would incorporate the seahawks site lines, and lucas oil stadium's aesthetics..
  8. i am not a big fan of domes, nor really want to move from the ralph, but i agree, if the situation does present itself, i like how lucas oil stadium looks.. would be a good model.
  9. byrd, "wildly inaccurate"?.. i think he is a jerk, as the OP originally asked.. he was a good football player, but also a jerk.. not rocket science here,,
  10. i agree about the bills, about what denver did, etc.. but the site seems to focus in on the obvious negatives.. everyone knows the bills are more than decade old losers, we arent south beach, ralph is old, we are small market, it seems to key in on it, just stick to reporting on football issues regarding the bills as the site does in relation to the packers, steelers, etc.. it even makes all the brady -bellicheat love palatable.
  11. all that is true, no doubt,but i am overly sensitive , it is a "buffalo thing" i suppose.
  12. when he comes on GR he is usually a bit positive, but like clayton, probably just a phony.. spew what the people wanna hear and pimp the website. .
  13. well, i go there for info myself, not necessarily negativity about the bills.
  14. lately it seems florio and company have gone out of their way in taking shots at buffalo, the team, and to an extent , the city. i noticed a snarky comment today about " tough getting free agents to come to buffalo", last week, he alluded to the dropping of the toronto series as a harbinger of the franchise being moved. obviously, OBVIOUSLY, the bills have been responsible for themselves having such a crappy rep, but florio and co seem to have the usual crush on the so-called glamor franchises. seem to selectively pile on easy targets.
  15. yea, i agree, its been so long, would love to see a meaningful december game, packed house, snow..
  16. the games sell-out in december regardless of the opponent if the bills are in the playoff hunt.
  17. aaron maybin- A J mccarron(not overly hyped, not a first rounder, but does get alotta pub)
  18. rice wacks the woman.. sharper drugs them.. nice.. the NFL should not worry about how gay players would be accepted and focus on getting rid of the criminal element ..
  19. again.. point missed.. it is about a man wacking a woman and knocking her out..
  20. thanks , i will just look for your comments and try to learn from you.
  21. why the dissection of this topic?.. and why the insult? "ignorance"? guess it is nice to be the all omniscient of the board.. next time you are near a dictionary, look up the word "pompous".
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