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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. is it your duty to point out if a political figure is "sharp" or not?
  2. and i agreed with you.. "box of rocks"?? dont get that..but if you want to make this about scott walker,go to the political board..
  3. i would vote for it, but most would not, most are consumed by the govt and taxation.. i am in that camp , but i make an exception when it comes to the bills future.. if it comes to them staying or leaving, im a yes vote on using tax dollars to fund a stadium.. if not a stadium, what would those dollars be spent(wasted) on?
  4. dude... calm down.. for crissakes , i just read the article, seemed like the governor was being positive.. speak for yourself regarding new stadiums and who wants them.. i love the idea of seeing tax dollars put into something like stadiums .. at least you see a tangible result.. unlike all the pi$$ing away the govt does with our tax dollars.. if they dont spend it on improvimng the ralph for example, are you going to see new schools and new highways instead?
  5. did you read the link , the article??? he was quoted as saying he would help the team flourish.. i interpreted that as helping the team to be economically viable.. isnt that a positive?
  6. the governor in wisconsin should help, sharp guy, hopefully this is a blueprint for the bills sale.
  7. go for it! love your honesty! myself, i choose to lose myself in the bills, gives me a diversion from the sorry state the republic is in yea, i know, he should be off the airwaves in buffalo.. hopefully his numbers will go down regarding his listeners, then affect on his ability to maintain sponsors..
  8. the thing that is kind of funny is that buffalo is obviously a HUGE hockey market(despite the sabre's season) he continues to sh#@$$t on hockey.. why in the world would you keep this guy on in this market.. ??
  9. i think being in the fraternity of NFL owners would negate that..
  10. i feel the same way as you except substitute "george soros" for the "koch brothers".
  11. that sounds good..the fans are out front on this.. would love the pub it would generate and maybe gain an ounce of coverage and make bon jovi out to be the bad guy.. would love that!as someone pointed out, he loved it when norwood missed, i saw him on some goofy awards show the next night and he went out of his way to congratulate the giants... total douche'
  12. so graham tweets political thoughts and when someone responds that doesnt agree with him, he calls them out ?what a douche'.. typical(fill in the blank)
  13. if the jacobs are out, as the latest news says, trump sounds better than bon jovi, not as good as pegula or the rich's.. but like i have posted on here, would be willing to hear him out.
  14. well, i agree.. schumer has been a bills supporter for sure and do like him for that.. but otherwise... well, ill leave that for the political board threads..
  15. hope it never happens.. retro-fit the ralph.. wasting time on "pie-in- the -sky" proposals is foolish.. just my opinion..
  16. well, what did you offer, other than an opinion, as to why trump would be detrimental?.."his history" would depend on one's interpretation of that.. probably opinion based also
  17. totally agree with your premise.. it will be an emotional year, why not do hard knocks? cannot see a negative..
  18. let me enlighten you: i believe he probably was referring to jimmy C A R T E R..i just assumed the poster made a typo..
  19. didnt say that.. it all goes back to one's interpretation of a "buffoon" ..you are assuming trump is.. i would offer that is "your opinion"..
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