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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. your choice.. i respond as i see fit.. no room for neutrality on here.. its either yes or no?
  2. again.. you made the judgment that" i dont care posts" are counter productive! .. really how? i would submit, (just my opinion) that some people do not care about it.. a 7th round choice ? i am old, but i still have most of my faculties and do not recall cameras "hearalding" a 7 th round pick .. i do not care about a 7th round pick.. the fact he kissed his boyfriend etc, i dont care.. he is a 7th round pick and the only people making an issue out of it are his apologists.. which again, I DONT CARE!,, but i chose to comment on it because it is a topic on a message board that i partake of
  3. "The best way to show that it's not a big deal is to not contribute to the volume of commentary. I am not saying "shut up," I'm just saying that logically, those who do so are extending a conversation that they've already told everyone is useless -- and that makes no sense".........your words
  4. ok then! i will recommend you the next time they need a moderator.. you pass judgment on what is appropriate on an opinion based site.
  5. i hear ya! but like your bad experience with a kilm, lots of others have not had any , so dont judge one bad experience .. hope you didnt give pottery up because of it..
  6. "no good use for pottery"?.. seems a little judgmental on your part.. i take it no one in your family is a potter?
  7. just weighing in with an opinion.. isnt this an opinion driven message board?,, but no problem..btw, do you know specifically where those pottery classes are being offered? i am into pottery..why "condescendingly " pick on pottery?
  8. who cares.. really,... there is not an instrument available that could measure my indifference on this..
  9. if he is "mr irrelevant" that would certainly cause a sh#%$^&tstorm for sure
  10. so.. you decide what is funny? pathetic sometimes on here ok.. you "win".. im ashamed.. not funny.. right now im wringing my hands..
  11. i think it is funny.. why so serious? is there any room on here to poke a little fun.. is this just a P C board? for crissakes LIGHTEN UP people!
  12. totally agree with you.. no violence obviously, but the fans should get out in front of it.. start the groundswell as i stated, give this jacka$$ some negative pub.. for whatever it is worth.. not saying it will change anything, but why let the jerk just feel he can come in and steal the bills??
  13. i agree kirby! sometimes it gets a bit heated on here, (for whatever reason) and i am guilty as anyone, but we all come here for the same reason, our passion for the bills.. i could share more, as i was 8 in 1960 and have been a fan since the inception, but i sincerely enjoy reading all the other's stories on WHY we are a bills fan..
  14. that game , the dolphins 1980, was one of the greatest games ever for sure.. after being victimized throughout the 70's by them, it sure was a special day.. i was in the end zone of the roosevelt leaks TD that sealed it.. it is stuff like that is why we keep coming back for more..
  15. well, much like you, it was my father taking me to war memorial stadium.. everything about it still is with me today.. cant compare it to anything and feel lucky having the memories, but sometimes wonder if it didnt set me up with a lifetime full of frustration!.. but still come back for more.
  16. i know, could take him or leave him , but now the bas#$%%d has got to realize, you just do not come in , move a storied team from an area that has been loyal because "you want to own an NFL franchise" what a pompous a$$..
  17. fans seriously have to create some negative pub regarding bon jovi.. someone suggested a giant burning of his records, something like that would be good, perhaps picked up nationally, not saying it would change anything, but it wouldnt hurt
  18. not necessary.. appreciate your work.. being "ornery" is almost a prerequisite to being a contributing member on here..
  19. well, lots of people have advanced their position on a "persona" .. i think those that do not like trump's "persona" have their reasons, in my case, in my humble opinion, he doesnt bother ME, but until somebody else comes forward, i will continue to evaluate trump based on what continues to come out ok.. i do get your point.. and i can understand your reservations.. just hope if he does end up with the team, the perceived baggage doesnt turn into an ugly reality..
  20. of course jacobs, pegula, etc are preferred.. but so far trump expressed an interest, liked what i heard.. just expressing my opinion on him.. i put his TMZ persona, political stance aside.. so far i cannot find fault with what he has said regarding the bills.. never watched his show, know of his political stance(s), doesnt bother me..
  21. actually .. NO.. i just expressed an opinion about a topic that i found reason to comment on.. after all, this is a message board where one offers their opinions.. i happened to express my opinion based on a link that was posted , scott walker was quoted in that link, you seemed to feel as you said "I just couldn't let his being classified as "sharp" go by...just like the way I'd speak up if someone said Tim Graham was biased in favor of the Bills."..
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