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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. yep.. i just like the anticipation and the actual playing of the games. right now, the emphasis is on money, marketing etc etc. i know that is a reality, im an old guy who remembers when is was all about the game.. now there is so much extraneous nonsense, one just has to tune it out.. with the news of the guy buying the clippers for 2 bill, just adds to the angst that we bills fans now have to deal with.. i just want to focus on the season, see who makes the team.. go from there.. very hard to keep the focus on that though..
  2. i like your outlook.. just enjoy.. let everything else play out.. as much as i want the ideal scenario to play out regarding the franchise, getting tired of it.. the NFL'S obscene emphasis on making as much as they can squeeze outta ya is a turn-off, to say the least..
  3. at this point,ANYBODY but the present occupier of the oval office would be better.. trump president, carl paladino sec of state, gene simmons buys the bills..
  4. i find no fault with your opinion, my only concern was his conciliatory tone today.. could it mean that he is aware that there is a deal pretty much in the works?
  5. too bad they(the senate) didnt take up the V A bill that the house sent to them.. sorting out and solving the V A mess strikes me as a tad more important than the freakin "redskins" name..
  6. for crissakes, if you dont get my point, forget it..close the post down.. all i was trying to say is that PFT seems to be ignoring the latest news
  7. your point?all the posts you indulged are irrelevant to my point.. nothing .. nada..im referring to today.. 24 hours.. lots has transpired
  8. appreciate you seeing my point.. all the jerry jones -bon jovi love expressed on the site, nothing since!
  9. not the point, i like it too.. like i said, why no mention of the things i enumerated? they find time to talk about champ bailey not wearing #24, anyway, seems like if they can spin the bills situation in a negative light, they do not hesitate.. just wondering where they are about the aforementioned.. nothing to do with "liking" the site.
  10. ok, i didnt know that.. i thought he and his staff made all the decisions on what is posted.. if that is the case, whereby the site responds to individuals with a topic, then i stand corrected.. listen, i didnt start the post with the intention of getting into a argument .. was just making an observation.. relax..are you in to critiquing posts?
  11. somehow florio and his staff like to take shots at the bills and the fact that they need a new stadium to survive, jerry jones BS comments, blah blah .. no mention of the groundswell of the anti- bon jovi sentiment, golisano's rumored bid to buy the bills.. why are they ignoring this.. i live in philly, the bon jovi stuff was mentioned here.. i think florio is just a pop culture hack..have at me.. just sick of reading the predictable crap on the site.. and , YES, i will not visit the site because it bothers me..
  12. i hear ya.. love watching games in the elements, whether in person or on T V.. the networks love the snowglobe..
  13. i actually can take or leave his music.. he just blends in with the other 80's hair bands.. but the obvious fact of his wanting to purchase the team and move them is the reason he is to be disliked in my opinion..
  14. war memorial stadium, the ralph. notre dame stadium, maple leaf gardens, the aud, shea stadium, the vet, wells fargo arena, mile high stadium..
  15. i think most of the points are valid. why cavalierly dismiss them other than the lease ?
  16. i think that is the most likely scenerio.. i am in the corner of a retro-fit the ralph .. but based on the players involved, i think downtown sounds reasonable..
  17. i agree, he sounds as wacky as that goof ball ed schultz..
  18. i agree, but as i get older, i am more concerned about peeing in my bed or on myself..
  19. "damn groovy"?? havent heard groovy in a long time..! peace.. out..
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