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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. any idea kirby of what to expect this week?.. anything of significance?
  2. i too, remember him congratulating the giants after the win on some show the next day, always stuck with me..
  3. i get that.. it is about the deceit.. ill leave it at that..
  4. my problem with JBJ is that he was a liar.. the point of the post, (in my opinion) was that what gives a smug, pop star, or anyone actually, the right to rip a team out for their egocentric desires..
  5. i am the same age as your father and could not agree with you more.. well said..
  6. noble cause, but i just cannot stand JBJ for his selfish attempt to rip a franchise from a city that lives and dies for it because"he wants to own a team" .. screw him.. and hanging with belichick just adds to the mix..
  7. put it up on the scoreboard before the new england game..would love to be there to see it..
  8. but that only applies if both devices are in the same city?..
  9. today is a good day! love hearing all the positive tidbits..
  10. they have no jurisdiction over toronto, but because the bisons are the bluejays farm team, not sure how that would affect the bills.. i think if pegula gets the bills , he couldnt buy the bisons..
  11. i watched that earlier, was very enlightening, liked the fact they took questions on the fly, thought TG did a good job.. lots of good insight.. the guy in toronto, JW, and TG, have all been pretty good, no speculating just good reporting..
  12. good, need to hear that.. just getting a little edgy knowing JBJ and co are presenting today.. i rely on this board to keep the optimism going.. kirby and a couple of others have been awesome in that regard.. much appreciated..
  13. so it works like a typical lawyer-client relationship huh? interesting, seems like another plus.. the guy sounds like he has a decent track record..
  14. thanks.. sounds like he could only be another positive for pegula..
  15. just need clarification, i thought it was mentioned on here that pegula hired the son of hank greenberg, who specializes in sports franchise sales or something of that nature.. anyone on here know for sure about that?
  16. JVB owns an arena league football team in philly, i think if he purchased the bills he could keep it because its the same sport.. but he couldnt buy the bruins.
  17. in my opinion, this can only be good news as far as the sale of the bills go... , possible move of the raiders.. rile up jerry jones.. all good.
  18. http://www.foxsports...elp-move-080714......... if it happens, wonder what mccombs will pay for them..
  19. seems like it mimics what philly has, all the stadiums and arena in one spot.. i know it can be troublesome, traffic wise , but otherwise it looks ok.. the tailgating atmosphere wont come close to the ralph's obviously..
  20. if you have time, and in addition to the usual wing and pizza fare, beef on weck is something i go to when i go back.. connors in west seneca and bar-bills in east aurora.. really worth the energy
  21. not sure, but if he gets the bills, the bisons will have to sever the affiliation with the blue jays..
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