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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. only if he is confirmed by the other owners.. do not believe goodell is aware that pegula owns the sabres..
  2. http://higgins.house.gov/media-center/press-releases/statement-from-congressman-higgins-on-thursday-s-blackout
  3. very well said.. isnt it amazing that the so-called "open minded people" cannot stand fox news! why? because they do not tote the company line? .. it is laughable for sure.. fox is the big bad wolf..anyway, i better stop before i get another warning point..
  4. i think he can as long as he doesnt live in buffalo..
  5. so i take it you have no political stance then.. you, like another poster, choose not to listen?.. good for you.. in my case i have strong political beliefs and do listen to various outlets and make my own judgments..
  6. that is a wise decision on your part
  7. i listen to rush, why the harsh judgment?
  8. obviously if we were consistent winners we would be number 1, hands down..the media culture is just one big bandwagon jumper..
  9. that sounds about right.... but as for the current ranking, really do not know how you keep cleveland and KC out of any mix of the "best fans" .. buffalo and cleveland are mirror images of each other in history, loyalty and success(or lack of).. having new england in there just destroys the cred of the whole thing..
  10. i sure hope you are right!.. the thought of having peace of mind regarding the franchise staying put is long time needed..
  11. yea, your probably right, the way the concessions are handled sure have changed. but , not to argue the point because the need is there , but back then, you had smokers all over the place and that factor is gone, but just surprised the concourse sizes are a problem.. but i do get it..
  12. not sure i understand that.. the stadium was built originally seating 82,000.. was an original season ticket holder, while there wasnt as many vendors in the concourses. are the people attending games getting wider? ,as a guy who attended games at the rockpile, rich stadium was considered state of the art.. obviously im not referring to amenities( wi-fi, scoreboards) , i mean physical , practical ways of getting around..
  13. bon jovi should contact johnny morris of bass pro, or maybe barsar issa, the guy who bought the statler back about 10 years ago and was going to build a 40 story office tower..
  14. http://bills.buffalonews.com/2014/08/18/sabres-president-black-pegulas-bid-business-usual-hockey-heaven
  15. at this point they are insulting pegula's intelligence if that is the case( and i have no reason to doubt you) ..
  16. i agree, but at this point in time, the jig is up... everyone knows that TO is out.. how will that drive up the price anymore at this point? who is afraid of the "big bad wolf" anymore?
  17. yep.. but doesnt all this chicanery by morgan stanley take it to a level of "storage wars" kind of embarrassing.. but again, i get the fact its all about driving up the price
  18. but that is pretty much a dead issue..that ship has sailed i believe.. but i guess anything is plausible..
  19. ok.. that could be true, but puzzling why they are assisting him(or seem to be) .. i get all the "drive the price up" aspects.. but like you said: "interesting" anxious to hear the particulars
  20. just a knee jerk reaction(before the facts are in) why did morgan stanley do that?? do they have an agenda?that kind of sucks on the surface..
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