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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. lets hope hope kim and terry have a long and happy marriage!
  2. i second that!.. made the process bearable having the reassurances from you three!
  3. the NFL should just amend the punishment..they arent a court of law.. suspend him for the year, then review his eligibility next year.. not brain surgery
  4. the news weighed in...http://bills.buffalo...h-front-office/
  5. i, like you, remember those days.. as far as the "worst draft" , too numerous to mention, but i know all teams pass on players who turn out to be good, great, etc.. i e : tom brady.. but seeing russell wilson excel is very hard to stomach as a die hard bills fan.. what were they thinking?? i heard his name mentioned many times as a player they coveted.. but sadly.. we draft t g..
  6. well.. very glad for sure.. like many have said, once pegula is announced, a collective weight on all of our shoulders will be gone..
  7. i agree.. all the intrigue could have been avoided.. that being said, who cares now.. if it all works out in the end.. all the sale scenerios have been gone over i e: selling to a local buyer before he died.. that would have made it easier if in the end, the price was close, based on the way this has been conducted, he may have gotten more!
  8. yep.. again, i think he may have wanted some anxiety among the fans (which obviously we have lived with which seems like forever).. but in the end, i hope it turns out as lots of us have come to believe..
  9. exactly... but i am quite sure that is where the apprehension stems from.. it was just perpetuated in various outlets, probably around the time of the announcement of the toronto series
  10. i actually heard him say that in an interview, but when you think about it, whar else could he say? he played along with the mindset of the owners and the media.. doesnt mean he meant it obviously.. but that is just my opinion..
  11. me too! it was laughable a couple of years ago when they had to postpone a game on account of snow! this myth about the "rough and tough" philly fan was exposed.. they are frontrunners and actually a bunch of wussies.. i am strictly a bills fan through and through despite the agony..
  12. nice "comprehension".. not what i mean in the least..two same sex partners and domestic violence was thrown out there as a deflection .. my point is that a man should never hit a woman.. period! people can throw out all the hypothetical scenerios they want .. doesnt dispute my believe about a man striking a woman..
  13. you have too much time on your hands.. i do not think that the subject of a man striking a woman (in this case)needs that much dissection..its not domestic violence if a random woman is hit in a bar
  14. ok.. if you say so.. yea, violence against women.. ill wait to see what happens when 2 gay players(or one gay player and his partner) get into a domestic violence situation before commenting on that..
  15. but that has not happened yet, so we are talking hyperbole.. ?? the basic premise is a man striking a woman..
  16. thank you! when the rice incident happened, i could not believe that people on here defended him! things like "she was drunk". "she may have hit him first".. all that BS..even if true, it is unacceptable for a man to strike a woman.. this policy needs to be enforced.. there are enough cowards in the NFL .. this at least will rid the worst of them
  17. a man should know better.. zero tolerance for a man striking a woman.. case closed..
  18. well, how come the toronto blue jays are buffalo's parent club? the sabres and the leafs are in the same division in the NHL. i wonder if bettman is aware of that? or even goodell , for that matter.
  19. i think most would.. look at hockey, baseball.. way too many games, most, if not all, on home T V.. doesnt seem to harm the gate..
  20. i agree, i think schumer and higgins would probably raise cain if the bills were in danger of leaving, threaten to mess with the pseudo anti-trust exemption that the NFL currently enjoys.. i am in the mark cuban camp overall.. :the NFL better be careful in more ways than one.. oversaturation, bleeding every last nickel they can get their hands on..using the "L A threat" to extort monies for new stadia.. etc..
  21. yep!.. just wondering how long before the shinola hits the fan.. sooner or later the politicos will get involved to a greater extent and who knws what happens then...
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