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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. Mike Sheppard, 2001 (under Williams) Kevin Gilbride, 2002–03 (under Williams) Tom Clements, 2004–05 (under Mularkey) Steve Fairchild, 2006–2007 (under Jauron) Turk Schonert, 2008 (under Jauron) Alex Van Pelt, 2009 (under Jauron) Curtis Modkins, 2010–2012 (under Gailey) Nathaniel Hackett, 2013– (under Marrone) we B word and moan about hackett, but it seems nothing has changed since greggo was hired.. ( naturally gilbride leaves then wins a SB with the giants.. !!!!)
  2. the only way to approach the rest of the season, take it a game at a time.. who knows.. its been done by others..
  3. Dean Vernon Wormer: ... Fat, drunk and stupid is no way to go through life
  4. i certainly agree with you!.. somehow that still stings the worst for me..knowing a win meant we were to host the raiders the following week.. fergy playing on practically one leg.. and romes almost sealing it with a pick just before the crushing TD pass .. i hear ya bro..
  5. oh, ok, but when you grow up with sahlens, maleckis, all the other national brands just taste like crap. i moved away from buffalo a few years ago and cant believe that people here in the philly area grill those things like hebrew national .. they look inedible..
  6. malecki is an old time buffalo sausage co. they still sell dogs. they were in competition with shelly meats back in the day in buffalo. their dog is very close to sahlens..
  7. nathans doesnt deserve to be on the list.. malecki's is a close second to sahlens
  8. jerry bergman!!! man that brings back an awful memory.. probably almost as bad AS walt coleman..
  9. great post! (as if i needed something else to pump up about lol) .. i agree about tomorrow and i do not think the fans at the ralph will disappoint us..
  10. i , for one, take back all the negative things i ever said about ralph.. as an 8 yr old taken to my first game in 1960, i know nothing other than being a bills loyalist. i lived thru the seattle threats in the early 70's , the bills twisting the arm of the city of buffalo to add about 7000 seats to the rockpile.. and my main beef, ralph not having a succession plan in place.. well, he did, and it is more than anyone could have envisioned.. god bless ralph wilson and his family!
  11. living in philly, they are still listing green bay v miami.. it must be because of implications that affect the eagles obviously.. but i would think fans would want the best match-up .. very strange..
  12. i know.. he is playing lights out and as far as some posters wanting him cut, i think that is a reaction to the jerry sullivan article a while ago.. i think most are on board with dareus.. and its probably due entirely due to his play..to say the obvious..
  13. ok.. cool.. thanks, just was a little worried .. kraft and bellicheat just seem to get small "favors" ..
  14. maybe its my bellicheat paranoia. but can someone enlighten about when, or, if, dareus will be suspended.. just dont want that happening this week..
  15. enough of patience.. they have talent on both sides of the ball.. they have to have a guy to run an offense, not just play scared.. an NFL team should throw down the field.. an NFL qb has to make plays.. if they know whats good for them.. pull the plug on him..
  16. easy answer, yes.. basic QBing today, they win.. MY opinion
  17. i agree.. there are a lot worse pop culture celebs out there.. as for owning the bills, take away pegula, golisano, he would have been our only hope.. JVB, the twinkie guy, one never knows..
  18. dont insult the wilsons and pegulas by comparing them or using them in the same sentence as rosie odonnell..
  19. well, very surprising, all the outrage(justified)about domestic violence seems to be everywhere but san fran.. who would have thought?
  20. especially playing in such a progressive area as san fran?
  21. i do remember watching a home playoff game in either year 2 or 3 of the super bowl years.. bill walsh was doing the color.. on the camera hit on him and the play by play announcer just before the kick-off, they compared the crowd noise in the stadium to an airplane taking off.. they showed a meter type thing.. it rivaled that of a plane.. i recall being quite proud of that.. i do think we make a difference and amazingly without artificial noise..
  22. from what i have gathered, the CFL would put up a stink , to say the least.. also, to get a new stadium would be difficult.. so not sure about T O.
  23. i have been thinking about that very thing since this all came together today. i will admit i was a bit PO-D at ralph for not going on record with plans to secure the team in buffalo upon his death.. but right now i am totally grateful..appears he had our backs..
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