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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. this topic has been discussed at length and rightfully so... as for me, hard to really offer an opinion.. i am torn.. love the tailgating obviously at the ralph, but also realize the economics of today's NFL.. like anybody else who loves the area, i want to see it prosper and a downtown stadium just adds to the mix of buffalo's re-development.. but my biggest fear is the design.. again, that has been discussed , i am firmly opposed to a dome, just my opinion, if i was king of the world i would want an open air stadium like the steelers or seahawks stadium.. with a little character.. the idea of hosting a super bowl is a pie-in- the- sky idea.. not going to happen.. all that being said.. retro fit the ralph..
  2. i like petty, just afraid his stock will rise, but even if it does, grab him..just not sure whether to pull the trigger with our first pick .
  3. i know! was hoping for that tampering pick.. could the jets have "opted out" on marrone for that very reason?
  4. i remember that call, the play, like it was yesterday..witnessing what i saw yesterday really DOES have the feel of a fix.. just my opinion.. one can argue about the validity of the call,(sure seemed like pass interference to me and according to mike periara, the refs got it wrong) totally feel for the lions, their fans.. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/writer/jason-la-canfora/24652025/is-this-the-nfl-ref-czar-on-cowboys-party-bus-irate-nfl-execs-say-yes
  5. domed stadiums are sterile, i am old school, like the elements, it looks like studio football when played in a dome.. as for buffalo hosting a superbowl , not going to happen, and who cares.. when i watch a football game, i am not concerned about economics or if the stadium will spur growth and all that nonsense..
  6. i hope you are right, it sure reeks of it after hearing the laconfora report.. really got me PO-ed.. cant stop thinking about it.. hope the bills do pursue it.. and goodell grows a set and fully investigates it.. doesnt cave to the NYC influence..
  7. i agree to an extent about shanahan's "tightness" and any perceived baggage he may have.. but..i am quite sick of going after the "hot coordinator" du-jour.. last time we had success was wade, im sick of greggo, mularkey, .. i know chan and jauron did not fit that , but with the supposed talent on the team, give me an experienced coach at this point.. gase could be the second coming off?? i dont know chip kelly, but unless anyone spots urban meyer at the airport, ill take shanny..
  8. agree for sure, but it would be nice to reflect on a playoff season, discussing players needed, etc, but every 3 years its the same old.. wish they could just get it right for the first time in this century..
  9. what qualifies as a "minority interview" ?? does the rooney rule apply only to african-americans? what about native americans? and of course gay americans..did the NFL ever explain or expand on the rule or define "minority?.. what about women?
  10. as is being mentioned, could the JETS have had an inkling about this? they already did their "rooney rule" interviews.. tampering???
  11. he wasnt the head coach in san diego, and besides if marrone is thinking about "opting out" screw him.. i think, in my opinion, reich would be a perfect fit here..
  12. i agree!.if i was pegula i would tell him to hit the road.. marrone should have addressed this and put it to bed immediately!
  13. i agree with you about the humor aspect, an african-american friend and i exchange the most politically incorrect barbs one could imagine.. it is called having a sense of humor! , (something the PC police do not have)
  14. wondering if he can, or WILL, consider other present NFL coaching opportunities during the 3 day period.. possible 2 openings in NYC, where he is from..
  15. forgot about the corgi cars! jeez, had a few of them.. if only..
  16. thanks, sure wish i still had that tape.. you just never thought in terms of history back then.. just like old baseball cards thrown out..
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