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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. @JasonLaCanfora:still hearing bill polian to the Bills.. miami to match buffalo offer for clay.my sourses say .stevie johnson to pats a done deal..
  2. FOR SURE.. why would any card carrying bills fan give a rats behind about willis mcgahee?? ignore him.. he doesnt care about you .. all you self-righteous hand wringers.. get a grip!
  3. no problem! lol.. but i did think about it before i posted.. and you are right about the use of it here.. i just thought EFFECT didnt look right..
  4. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/03/18/new-federal-budget-would-eliminate-use-of-tax-free-bonds-for-stadiums
  5. it almost ST PATS day, always wonder, in this PC climate, why people of irish descent arent up in arms over the ND "fightin irish" .. talk about stereotypes.. also heard that people in the south are beginning to get upset with the term "YANKEES".. and as someone who likes the color purple, i am offended that cleveland's NFL team is called the BROWNS..
  6. well, in a back door type of way, you are reinforcing my point.. once the bills start winning, i think it changes, create the winning culture..
  7. i get that, was just trying to make a point that free agents are not busting their butts to rush to the bills..
  8. i think if we lose out on clay, it still means that FA 's are still leery about coming.. losing bulaga when more money was on the table, says something.. hopefully just winning will change that..landing cassel was OK.. the mccoy trade was nice.. so its a mixed bag for lack of a better term.. but its still a bit early.. who knows
  9. yea, but then clay would still technically be able to still play the tagged game? but what u say makes sense
  10. i may have missed it, not sure if it has been covered, not sure if it is even pertinent, but couldnt miami match the bills offer, then trade clay to buffalo for a pick.. ? i am not flush on these rules.. just wondering.
  11. i think it could have been frank dill.. later phil soisson.. and of course bill mazur did everything back then.(pre bills) "whiteowl wallop"..i was fortunate to see luke easter play at offerman , but i was really young, very vague.. but remember how gorgeous offerman was.. a fenway park type place..
  12. wow!!!!! charlie bailey!.. i remember him well.. but one has to be a bit old like myself !.. very fond memories of falling asleep while listening to him call hockey bison games..
  13. that kneeling and praying stuff .. clean living.. no criminal background.. he is not ready to return to the NFL.. he needs a coke bust, or being in the vicinity of a shooting before he is ready to return
  14. thank you! i grew up with all of them.. i especially remember chuck healy on the bowling show "beat the champ".. on sat eves..
  15. i have been living in philly since 2008 and i wear a bills cap, sweatshirt, whatever, but its not so much the locals who start the conversation , its transplants.. its like a magnet obviously.. i have met so many people here from western ny because of the bills stuff.. what is also refreshing is that the people from western ny are so much more friendly outgoing.. the natives here are pretty much as one would think, miserable.. just a few are "normal!".. its just a feeling you get when you see that buffalo person..
  16. should be interesting.. incognito.. rex.. suh.. lots of energy.. street fight..
  17. nah.. just heard about it..too much traffic.. i hear that lots of people take the back way now
  18. harrisburg is not far from hershey P.A(chocolate town usa).. , just a short jaunt down the highway.
  19. yea, no other threads ever get sidetracked, all strictly football related. i think yolo's point was spot on.. if you disagree.. so be it.. just because "everyone calls buffalo upstate ny" doesnt mean one has to agree with it
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