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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. the 5 piece band that played in the corner of the rockpile before games.. baseball wise, it was in the right field corner where they were located.. it was a nice touch, and totally just a rockpile thing..
  2. i agree.. he is an evangelical christian, not exactly the type of guy who generates much compassion(for lack of a better term)in this day and age whether right or wrong, . easy to pile on him..
  3. everyone really covered most of everything , and being an old guy, i thought a lot of how to contribute to this thread and i cannot think of anything that has not been covered .in my opinion a favorite moment was walking into rich stadium the night it opened. i loved the rockpile, but knowing we now had a "big league" edifice, i was relieved, estatic , everything.. i knew "we" now didnt have to worry about losing our team to seattle.. much like how we all feel now after pegula's purchase.
  4. i always confused mailon kent and manch wheeler, both were 3rd string OB'S around the same time.. and both essentially stunk..
  5. yep, best st exit.. it was a sign that said "best st exit" right near the tunnel , hard to explain the exact location of the sign, but you are correct.
  6. i totally agree and cant believe how the personal insults fly on here sometimes.. it seems some on here want to be the "guy".. the football "guru" we are all on here because of our blind love and devotion to the bills, as so i believe .. but sometimes i wonder.. it is threads like these that make it interesting.. only speaking for myself, no disrespect to anybody, but draft boards , in depth analysis of whether an O lineman is adept at pass protection is not why i am on here. i just like reading others thoughts on the bills.. as it comes up.
  7. nothing probably.. carry on..( not too informed but OTOH?, what does that mean).. just offered my opinion on the point of OP point going off track.. , just my attempt to "having a discussion"
  8. LOL.. but i am a buffalo bred guy.. so all is well! not the place for it in this instance .. you gotta lighten up sometimes.. dont worry, nobody will question your football expertise ..
  9. i remember a season ticket that a group had for a seat to hold a keg.. you didnt think of it as a big deal at the time(and being 8-10 years old , didnt pay it much mind), but in hindsight, it is unbelievable that it was done.
  10. i love all the "experts" on here.. a reminiscent thread turns into a pi$$ing contest over the merits of tom sestak v bruce smith.. cant some of you let it go once in a while? no worries, you guys all know your football.. jesus.
  11. and , i might add, tom was a terrific person. in his latter years he was employed by erie county. i had the good fortune of crossing paths with him back in his latter retirement years(from football). he was unassuming and the antithesis of the modern day bragging , blowhards that permeate the league now. he died suddenly, and way too young.. as a youngster watching him during the 60's glory years, he was the best.. but that is just my opinion.
  12. awesome list! tough to add anything to the list .. but a couple.. remembering the vertical striped socks of the denver broncos in 1960.. the huge mustard cannisters along the corridors..
  13. why not have rex and doug bring him in for a look.. imagine the double TE, him and clay.
  14. i agree, at the time the trade was made, my original take was that it was pretty much a deal that would be beneficial to both teams.. little did i know! ouch.. trade still hurts.. but powell was an original AFL star.. im so old i remember going to a bills-ny titans game when he played for the titans..
  15. hey j-off.. i was just offering an opinion.. no need for the sarcasm .. go save the whales.
  16. either robert royal or derrick dockery ,i agree about the moorman choice, maybe steve christie? guy was consistent..
  17. was she hired because she is a woman? does she have the background, the cred? is she this year's version of michael sam and the NFL trying to be PC? (also, walt coleman's son hired!!!!!!!!!, it never ends)
  18. bryce petty.. i think if he is there, they take him.. and i would be totally on board with it.
  19. very nicely done.. i especially agree with the alex smith comparison..
  20. @JasonLaCanfora: Update:my sources say pegula going to go hard for the Bills despite the dual ownership problem.. may have to sell the hockey team, possibly to to his daughters,
  21. @TheRealMelKiper.. remember how i called indy taking luck.. check out this years' mock..
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