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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i just said, again, that i do not find jon stewart funny, not sure how you draw a political equation into it.. i also do not think carrottop is funny either.
  2. well, i guess that is your opinion about whether this "has turned political".i just said i do not find jon stewart funny.. not sure where the "political" aspect comes from that.
  3. i think you hit it.. he is such an egomaniac that it will cost him.had he just been forthright, cooperative, as many have said, i think the punishment would be less harsh .. but given the fact that the organization has caused the league some cred problems, and now brady being essentially a richard about it all.. you got to come down.
  4. i know, but why will he be missed? i would submit that is a matter of opinion, i really do not find him particularly funny. IMHO
  5. i understand that, but my point is the "institutional control" issue.. does it apply to belichick in this case as it did to payton?
  6. i still think that payton's one year suspension was as harsh as you could get. belichick, with his "history" not sure if he should be allowed to skate on this,
  7. totally agree, just waiting to see how they shake it all down, like was mentioned, kraft will have to decide if the league is actually more important than him.
  8. now, that is a very perceptive take.. and really says a lot about the league. one certainly does not want to believe that what it boils down to, but if it does, then the "integrity" of the league would be suspect.
  9. well said.. but again, the elephant in the room is kraft's relationship with goodell.. this will be interesting, to say the least, but the integrity of the game is obviously at stake here, like you say. my point concerns belichick.. we all know he is the epitome of a "control freak" .. how does he escape punishment?
  10. i get that for sure.. but i think there are quite a few delicate issues here.. lots on the line, to say the least,
  11. payton got a year for bounty gate, for either not being forthcoming or essentially looking the other way.. just wondering how he will feel if belicheat goes unscathed.. i think he wont say anything, but will be closely following it.
  12. i think the patriots operate in a culture of trying to get away with as much as possible.. i know all teams could be accused of that.. but in the patriots case, there is a history .. and i think belichick fosters it,hopefully the league realizes that credibility is at stake here. the 1919 black sox scandal brought to the forefront of maintaining the integrity of the game .. the NFL needs to come down hard.. brady should get at least 6 games, heavy fine.. draft choices losing their top pick for three years.. message needs to be sent.. there cannot be any hint of the NFL not upholding the integrity of the game.
  13. puzzling why a guy on a bills message board would go to such lengths to defend his point about of all teams, the patriots. principles aside, common sense should prevail. let it go watkins.
  14. "i did not have anyone deflate the game balls".." it all depends on what the meaning of deflate is"
  15. maybe brady should not have skipped that white house gathering.... hmmmmm...
  16. really.. i am loving this.. finally things may actually be going our way! keep that incriminating news coming!
  17. did not know that. surprising for sure.. but still think he knows and appreciates what the bills mean to WNY.
  18. very nice gesture.. i know it is fashionable to bust on goodell, and there are valid reasons to do so, but being a staunch defender of buffalo and WNY, i do not get the hate on him.. again, i know he is not riding high right now, but i just will never get on a buffalo guy..
  19. throwing that pick on KC's goal line two years ago.JMHO
  20. welcome! i am an old timer also.. went to the rockpile in 1960.. have been suffering ever since(minus a few good years)
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