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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. really? i guess your definition of "smart people " is not open for debate. you made that determination in your mind. typical of someone that makes judgments without actually absorbing the content of one's remarks. i must brush up i suppose, you implying that im ignorant is a wake up call
  2. again, i have seen various clips, enough for me to form an opinion, which i am able to do .. and i can also form one by watching a movie trailer, read a book review. its quite a concept.
  3. i said initially that i did not find stewart funny, which took the thread in a different direction . i find that the little i have seen of stewart , mostly due to clips shown on various cable shows, i know where he is going a mile away.. his grimaces, the lemmings howling in the audience, just not my cup of tea.the guy gets more mileage out of sarah palin jokes than anybody. just too predictable, like i said. the funniest man currently on the planet is larry david, a liberal, in every sense.
  4. any evidence to back up the fact? i heard obama say "all 57 states" in an audio cut years ago, and the tired old bromides about drudge, fox news, cant you bring more than that?
  5. totally agree.he has tarnished the image of the senate, for whats that worth in this day and age. deliberating lying about romney's tax filing, then admitting he(reid) lied, then gloating! .. how much more despicable can one be?
  6. is the guy a total jacka$$ or what?http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/05/12/in-deflategate-harry-reid-sees-an-opening-to-rip-the-redskins/
  7. in my case, there is not a measurement tool that could accurately measure my indifference to the subject of gay marriage.
  8. well, i guess i will get accused of pushing the thread in question to a political one. i didnt intend to do that. someone said in essence that "stewart will be missed" my comment was just a "?", followed up with me not thinking he was funny. that is when the barrage of assumptions were made that i was a conservative blah blah blah.. and, as you so aptly stated, it seems like the liberals were the ones drawing conclusions and somehow overlooking some missteps their fellow libs have historically made. i doubt many will show up. IMHO, most libs are flamethrowers, and when the going gets tough, most deflect, or run.
  9. nothing for belicheat? figures, but im happy.. carry on
  10. i think whaley might be a liberal.. just kidding.. excellent, thanks . thoroughly enjoyed it.. was a confidence builder .. like this regime even more , if that could be possible.
  11. you have a well informed opinion.. but.. it almost boarders on stereotyping. and we cant have that. painting every conservative with that brush is kind of unfair..IMHO
  12. lol!..OH YEA.. crazy joe!.. he is the gift that keeps on giving!..
  13. i agree, but does it work the other way too? , do "liberals" ( you used the term "conservatives" ) say anything less than perfect? i would submit that "beauty is in the eyes of the beholder"?
  14. curious... any proof of your "fact"?.. also, i would take a guess that your closing statement is rather more of an opinion?
  15. "majority of those come from the right wing".. fact or opinion?
  16. i mentioned this .. "institutional control", or lack there of, got payton suspended.
  17. that, and merrill reese are very hard to listen to..
  18. i never brought up politics.. nothing close to that, just said i did not find him funny in response to a poster that said "he will be missed" assumptions were made, conclusions were drawn, but hey, this is an opinion board.. let the good times roll.
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