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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i respectfully disagree.sanders actually retired early, according to most.. AP, is just being difficult. sanders did not have a negative outside situation , while AP most certainly does. AP's situation rings hollow to me.
  2. the thing that has been a constant for me, since the rockpile days, is when the bills first appear at the tunnel, just getting ready to be introduced and the fans react.. it has been the same from year one.. and it will never change.
  3. call his bluff.he should be crawling back! the dude got off easy for abusing his kid.. the heck with him.
  4. thanks metzelaars_lives ..i always look for your "wisdom". any news if levi brown has signed anywhere?... hopefully there will be more threads about where low round draft picks sign. " I, like everybody else- whether they care to admit it or not- was interested in hearing the news and am smart enough to understand why it's newsworthy. I think it would be cool if he was good up there but who knows.' OK.. why is this newsworthy?
  5. much ado about nothing.. a guy who was a practice squad player, cut twice, and this is newsworthy? please.. hopefully we will not be subjected to updates on CFL player signings.
  6. i get a kick out of the left constantly bashing the koch bros, yet when you bring up george soros or tom steyer, they stumble for words, then start deflecting.. if anyone on the left had a brain, they should lay off the koch bros.
  7. i absolutely want brady to play in game 2. why not, who wants a "tainted " victory kicking the livin sh%&$ t outta garropolo , or whomever.. i am totally optimistic about this year.. but again.. JMHO.
  8. i know and totally agree .. but like you said, the integrity of the game .. this is different.. i just meant that past scandals didnt affect the fandom much.. but this.. certainly is cause for concern yea, kraft could do some real damage if he plays hardball
  9. who is mocking and celebrating? i didnt see the coverage, but if that is what is happening.. i guess it is a form of release.. a civil disobedience type of thing.. like baltimore
  10. i understand, but seeing the pic of the young lad who was killed,tips the scales for me.. no problem with him being executed, in spite of what the young boy's parents said at the penalty stage of the trial. they are better people for it.. but the guy has to pay.
  11. i wonder , has robert kraft weighed on this? aaron hernandez? tom brady?
  12. nobody is "following you around". just participating in a thread, anyway, you name calling .. predictable.. weak..
  13. huh?? , you are way too cerebral for me,, i just made a negative comment about a comedian, it went political , was not my intention, my simple point was that people of a particular political persuasion took a remark and made it political. i think you may have over analyzed a bit.
  14. the scandals , as i recall, correct me if im wrong, did not involve the integrity of the game, which this does.
  15. by stating my case? after being challenged? not sure what you mean.please explain.. you lost me
  16. i know, but in hindsight, after going over the pages, the libs took UNINTENDED bait.
  17. i believe that my comment about the fact that i did not find stewart funny kind of took the thread off course. it certainly brought out the libs for sure. in my perfect world all bills fans would be right of center regarding their political stance, but i see that is far from the case.JMHO, but i find the libs on here to be a bit caustic,
  18. the link didnt work, but billy shaw was the best pulling guard ever! case closed
  19. bigotry is different than tarnishing the integrity of one's sport. i am not stating anything that is startling, but historically there have been bigots, drunkards, you name it, owning sport franchises.none of those issues impacted the outcome , or perceived, outcome of the game. i think kraft is entering dangerous waters with him being such a richard about the whole thing. sterling will just fade away
  20. yea, i just want the whole organization to be exposed.. kraft is a phony , belichick cheats, brady gets special treatment .. really hope they get screwed in the court of public opinion.
  21. i agree, hopefully it gets worse for kraft, brady and CO.
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