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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i did ponder a bit about a scenerio akin to what happened with the rigas's .. highly unlikely, but it can be food for thought..
  2. i agree that donahoe was hampered by wilson for sure, not sure how i feel about his tenure here.. i liked the bledsoe deal, and like i said previously, williams pick as coach was a crucial miss.
  3. will be interesting to see who he hires as coach.. if he would have hired john fox instead of williams, he might still be here.
  4. he certainly kept a low profile, to say the least, after leaving the bills
  5. as it pertains to the bills, try to be more cautious in evaluating the moves they make. this year really took the sail out of my winds .. really bought into ryan, now , not so much..
  6. i think it is pointless to waste time on this stuff anymore. in the "i am offended" mindset of current society , a day does not go by where some wuss does not get offended by something, somebody, some institution, some tradition. who cares about the redskins , or any of the mindless drivel of the PC'ers. cue the "white privilege" labeling crowd.
  7. i agree, and check to see what dick vermeil is doing these days.. is weeb eubank still alive? how about lou saban's son tom?
  8. cowher, dungy, jon gruden, schottenheimer(marty), george seifert, parcells, interview em all, may as well ask jimmy johnson too.. and shanny..
  9. easily notre dame, especially during the montana years.. but i do realize that is hardly "going out on a limb"..
  10. i much prefer watching the game if there is hope, regardless of how much.. looking and hoping to stay alive another week..
  11. just go back to last year and hire hue jackson as head coach and keep schwartz. simple trip.. then i would return and we would be sitting at 8 and 5
  12. all notable.. chandler certainly should not be out of the mix.. as of now, i think the wall has maintained a standard of some sort. chandler, smerlas, fergy, butler, moulds, are right there, for sure, and i love them all, but IMHO, just a hair below of the caliber that is up there now.
  13. ok.. wasnt sure, i have lost track, it seemed like it was O J and pat mcgroeder .. then it took off..
  14. kent hull?.. probably not enough to warrant it, but it is apparent that the guy was a rock.. unsung(to say the least) .. and from what i gather, the players agree.
  15. while i sincerely agree with everything you said, and am as frustrated as you, i think the point of the OP was to offer an opinion on a team of the past 15 years that didnt make the playoffs and deserved to. "none of them " is the easy answer.
  16. you beat me to it. the defense was the type that wins , shame.. probably all goes back to QB.. had we had one, things might have been different. i thought orton was "ok".. maybe could have made the playoffs with him if a game or two would have shook out differently, but E J lost us a couple that proved to be the difference.
  17. jeez! ill say! i am far from a toned, six pack ab guy.. but you would think he might want to cut back a bit on the barley sandwiches ..
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