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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. fully aware about the AFC championships, but my take from your post was that the ralph doesnt have the history, etc. if you are looking at past years, the romance of the game, the elements, lots of shots of OJ running with the flakes in the background, snow games before they suddenly became fashionable, anyway, dont wanna get too much in the weeds, but while not lambeau, fenway, wrigley field, the ralph does have a bit of historical panache.
  2. i would respectfully disagree about the ralph not having significant history. it does not rival lambeau, but is on par with the others, if not more so. the greatest comeback? OJ?, the bills of the 90's, 4 superbowl appearances.. the 51-3 victory in the snow over the raiders in the AFC title game just as the gulf war was starting and the nation was watching as the news dept would cut into the game. i say retro the ralph..
  3. i pray that you are right! the thought of a sterile dome downtown really stinks. we have endured enough with 15 years of Sh$*^ ty football, why further torture us.
  4. i was essentially trying to make a point that the 50th superbowl could feature the original participants .
  5. that is cool.. every once in a while , back in the day, you would see a bill out and about.. this was pre juice and reggie at mulligans on hertel in the 70's
  6. at the time of the trade, getting art powell and flores seemed to be a good get, but lamonica taking off the way he did, while the bills starting to sink was tough to stomach.. the bills were aging and in hindsight all the signs were there that it was ending, but as young die hard . you didnt see it coming
  7. was just going by the number being used this year! but good "catch"
  8. the first play of the game , dudley meredith, a D lineman on the kickoff team fumbled the opening kickoff, fore-telling what was to come. and, again, they werent the 64-65 bills , but would loved to have seen them matched up against the pack.
  9. as has been discussed on here thousands of times, the downfall did start with the lamonica trade , and yes, the bills kind of backed in that year, but i think they had a D that year that was more in tune to stop the pack.. IMHO .. not sayin that would have won.. there has been lots of speculation over the years , especially from the players on that team, that they matched up better .
  10. i will always maintain the bills would have given green bay a much better game, and possibly could have won.. the D was good.. damn good..
  11. that thought does cross my mind.. lol.. but say it aint so!
  12. not an earth shattering topic, but the fact it could happen makes this upcoming weekend even better , if that could happen.. also, KC could host the AFC championship game .that would be a great treat for their fans
  13. i think another year can only benefit him obviously, no rush, a little maturity , good decision.
  14. i certainly hope he keeps it up.. would love to see him in bills gear in time!
  15. if CBS has the super bowl this year , i hope the redskins are in it.. i believe simms is one of the wussies that refuse to say "redskins" ..
  16. minny, bengals fans , now get a taste of what it is like being a bills fan.. although not to the extent we suffer
  17. the antics of the bengals reminded me of the first new england game, the giants game, all selfish penalties that cost field position .. and i do hope ryan did take notes
  18. i agree, and i would not want to suffer the anguish those bengal fans are feeling.. it is never a good feeling waking up after a devastating loss like that one last night.
  19. no, not all . was thinking that at the time when the rigas family owned the sabres, no one could fathom that it could happen..( " that Pegula will get arrested on fraud charges, imprisoned and forced to relinquish ownership? Yeah that is something to think about for sure..").. it was just an opinion ace,
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