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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. Huh? Oh OK..Google ..
  2. No comment on the story , but wondering what is a "reputable "news outlet..
  3. Wow.. i moved here in 2008, and can see the nuke plant pretty much from where i live .. and if you would have told me back in the 70'sthat i would move to Philly after all the hate i had for the Flyers back in those days.
  4. Sure do remember him, those years well.. "we want Lamonica:" when Kemp would be off his game a bit.. It was tough as a Bills fan to watch him have such success as the Bills floundered .. but as a staunch AFL guy (kid back then) great to see his legacy live on..
  5. Absolutely awesome.. The whole thing.,.,
  6. Fast forward.. not too bad..
  7. Slow Bills news time ..
  8. Not knowledgeable enough , or have the expertise to comment about any "issues" Ritchie may have.. just sorry he retired a "Raider" .. His time here was very productive..
  9. I agree about that playoff formula back then.. and had Romes had that pick before the TD to Smith, .. totally convinced we would have won it all.. last night i looked for the game, was surprised it wasnt on., thanks for the info .. I think enough time has passed for me.. could watch it now.. Funny, never had a prob watching wide right , but that SD game was as painful as last jan..
  10. The Jan 1981 playoff loss to them still hurts .. they win , they host Oakland in the AFC chanpionship game.. Hmmm..
  11. Speaking for myself as an 8 yr old in 1960 , when my father took me to my first game , have lived through and seen it all, as a few others on here have .. just amping up .. and obviously the season cant come soon enough
  12. Yea , me too.. agree with everything you said..
  13. Again.., who cares.. Kaep and his "15 minutes of fame" is long over..
  14. I wish the "Kaep" info by the MM would cease.. seriously , no one gives a sh-t..
  15. R I P Eddie .. A true original..
  16. I am sure it is, been watching all the off season stuff, interviews , but just dont want to re-live that anguish.
  17. I tried , still cant watch.. TD to Davis to take the lead, , . switched it off.
  18. Could not agree more!
  19. Really.. that is a bit newsworthy.. i think you are right .. since the merger, we have always played the Lions in pre-season.
  20. Who really cares.. jesus..
  21. Speaking for myself, tired of the mixture of sports/politics/ govt.. we all know its about the money.. so be it..
  22. Agree.. used to watch the Sunday Pre-Game back in the day when Chris Berman hosted it , came on at 11 AM.., was all legit , actual , pre-game stuff.. now its a clown show ..
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