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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. perhaps , the NFL game experience is not for you .. as it is .. not saying you arent right in your perception, .. but unfortunately as the saying goes there are always a few that wreck it for all. my point is that you will ultimately turn a Bills game into a night at FNC with the sabres where fans are looking at their phones and the place has all the atmosphere of a morgue..people go to a game for 3-5 hours to relax, tailgate, cheer their asses off. .. that element leaves when those people are priced out.
  2. i suppose you are right, that is what the league prefers. and IMHO i think the league will reach its tipping point and possibly look back.. and maybe they wont. i get the rowdy drunks, but they are in the minority... as opposed to turning the sport into a sterile stadium studio experience.
  3. i really dont want those fans that stay home because they are so "fragile" they cant deal with what happens at a football game. i said before, you will get nothing but people doing the golf clap.. nothing wrong with that.. but i go to a football game and expect what happens , and what goes with.. a football game.
  4. of course there is. i think there is a chance you may have missed my point.
  5. and then we can all do the golf clap after a late TD or field goal that secures a win. that is where the league is headed.
  6. when the owners tell the Packers that they should start thinking about a new stadium, i will start paying attention.
  7. i live 20 miles from center city, moved here in 08, the suburbs are fine , but the city is a dump, corrupt politicians , just like buffalo, but on a bigger scale. buffalo is slowly "coming back" philly is dying. every time i hear people in the media take shots at other predictable cities like buffalo, cleveland etc, it not worth the energy to react anymore.
  8. IMHO, there is a window right now where apparently plans for a new stadium are not in the works, being discussed. if that is the case, hopefully the NFL comes to its senses and heeds mark cuban's words about eating themselves up and common sense prevails over the greed going on right now within rhe NFL. i am for anyone making as much as they can.. but the owners want it all. shaking down cities to build them a stadium has to stop. hopefully a mindset will prevail that centers around the game, the traditions.. hence the ralph is tradition.
  9. all things considered, due respect to OJ, KELLY, and THURMAN. (obvious first, or early picks) it is a tie between billy shaw and tom sestak, based on where picked and production..JMHO
  10. i came to know tom sestak much later when he worked for erie county.. he was one great man.. soft spoken.. died much too young. and i am pretty sure you meant Coles.
  11. totally agree.. hands down.. and being very young when the Bills came into existence in 1960, seals the deal as far as answering the OP question. going to real live games at the rockpile.. cookie, kemp.. actual championships. case closed! .. (IMHO)
  12. plus he is a native.. why wouldnt he?.. nice gesture on his part
  13. reading that article just makes me glad we arent there, and hope we never get there! status quo is fine.. it works..
  14. talking about a downtown domed stadium is akin to all the BASS PRO pie in the sky nonsense.. good thing that never came to fruition.. and yes, canalside is great and well within what the reality of the area offers.
  15. ride on! you got it! miss em.. but that is progress i suppose.. all in the name of just trying to keep up with the (jerry) jones's!
  16. yep, and as mark cuban said, the NFL will eat themselves up if they continue the practice of squeezing every frickin nickel out of people..
  17. exactly.. i want a place to tailgate, then watch the game. all the "amenities" really are just fluff. we are buffalo, not L A or dallas.. lambeau works, so does the ralph.
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