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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. really?? who cares.. leave it.. it worked for me.. does anybody really care .. better not answer i suppose.. . you got the name, position, college right..if not , you would have had hell to pay!
  2. i agree.. i think it is a solid pick.. WTH? didnt realize so many of the "experts" on here could find fault with this..
  3. no, actually it wasnt, i like bosa, and i dislike maybin as much as everyone, but IMHO I think this guy is a player.
  4. i was hoping it was about the bills staying at the ralph.. but this is good news..
  5. ESPN is unwatchable, they fire curt schilling, but leave a blowhard like tony kornheiser on. im glad they are going kaput. glad to see a quality guy like tirico leaving.. obviously sees the handwriting on the wall ..
  6. if he isnt ready to retire, why not give him a 1 year? but i am sure they can wait till after the draft.. nothing to lose
  7. just continue to pay attention..you never know what pearls of wisdom may appear.
  8. i think jack johnson would be a perfect fit on the sabres backline.. , but thats another dept..
  9. would take him in a heartbeat.. kid is the deal..
  10. when gilmore gets hurt again this year, it will nice to have this guy
  11. i respect what you did for a living and you make a solid case , no question about it, i just think it should be thoroughly thought out, as it will, both sides on here are dug in and it makes for some interesting exchanges of thoughts on the subject.IMHO, i think nothing has been ruled out and watching it play out will be interesting to say the least. before the ralph was built, there was much talk, controversy about type and location, very heated and some erie county legislators actually got in trouble criminally, so some of us have been thru this before.. will just watch it unfold
  12. if you could retro-fit the ralph for 500 mill, or build a new stadium with all the bells and whistles for over a billion, the answer is easy.. NO new stadium. . i may be missing something, but all the rhetoric of revenue generating that a new stadium allegedly would produce rings hollow , there are no guarantees .. so so many variables
  13. i agree it may have been discussed, but a retro-fit may be on the table as well.
  14. no proof obviously, that no one cares about soccer, just an astute opinion.
  15. nobody cares about soccer, concerts and wrestling work at the FNC, what college football? one game from syracuse every 5 years? . the thing will lie dormant all in the name of trying to be "big time"..
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