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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i agree with voter ID laws.. it is so freakin simple.. show ID or you dont vote.. anyone with a pea for a brain knows why people should be required to show ID?.. and if it has to be explained, then you are delusional..
  2. why not suspend the rules for getting a library card, drivers license, food stamps, medicaid? all of which one needs to show ID?
  3. i still do, i think it should have been done a while ago, as someone who posts on here, i thought i would express a further opinion, seeing that the thread is still open..
  4. well said jim.... http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2016/08/29/jim-harbaugh-i-dont-respect-kaepernicks-motivation-or-action/
  5. you may want to go find a life.. JMHO.. let it go dude.. you made your point.. no invectives are needed..
  6. enough.. this thread has endured way too long.. its boring .. big time.. Kap is a doosh.. let it go people.. cutdown day tommorrow..
  7. "stereotypes"? need clarification on that.. what is a "bad stereotype"?
  8. when i first joined this, i got my a$$ reamed for innocently mixing a political opinion in a topic.. the three warning points are proof.. but ok.. im done.. i do like the free expression .. i have no further opinion.. frankly he isnt worth the effort.
  9. why bring up trump??? how is he pertinent in this? or is it a grasp? go to the ;political board if you want to bash a politician.. your case starts looking weak when you play the "trump" card..
  10. the freakin guy is a multi-millionaire who plays a GAME..stop using his nonsense to address "societal problems"
  11. so , just ignore ?not address? curious.. what should be done then?
  12. i think defending him with all the freedom rhetoric. "his right to express himself" whatever, is trite.. gets old and tiring after a while. wonder what pat tillman , if he were alive would think..
  13. i cannot believe the latitude some are giving this jerk.. maybe because im old, i dont get it. but i suspect a majority of guys sitting around with beers probably feel this guy is a flaming a$$hat.. case closed.. but as i sit and read all tthe hand-wringing of the "open -minded people" people, it baffles me.. surprised so many wimps permeate this board.. again.. JMHO..
  14. i think he and his "stand" of not standing up for the anthem is symbolic of the a$$h*&les that permeate the NFL and sports in general these day.. and as always :JMHO..
  15. i get what the OP point is.. i am thinking tyrod obviously, but on D.. spikes, again obvious.. hughes is a guy who seems to draw penalties when he gets emotional.. so if aaron williams is healthy, i think he is the guy
  16. i agree, but up until last night, i didnt know a thing about him.. nary a written word..
  17. ok, you are right, i should have known better, i stupidly assumed i could freely comment on this site.. silly me.. go get em!
  18. oh boy.. reading that was upsetting.. im staying positive for bruce.. great individual..
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