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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. oh please! for crissakes man.. lighten up.. does everything have to be a crusade,.. a little mocking of him?? too much for you.. jesus!
  2. or in the pre-game, have the bills dressed as cops.. should freak his candy a$$ psyche out..
  3. i hope its kap.. and would love to be there next week when he takes "the knee" . after about 2 hours of pre-game beers and food, i can only imagine the "reception" he will get.. before all you whinny types jump on my a$$ telling me "he has a right to protest, etc etc" i get all that .. i am just dealing in reality and know how a lots of my beloved hometown peeps think.. and .. as always.. JMHO..
  4. did not say that at all. just , just making an observation based on reality.
  5. so you essentially are against fracking.. but the man who kept the team here, made his fortune on fracking, its ok? i think fracking is fine, not the point, but which way is "okay" with you? she supports fracking? wow.. cool
  6. pretty much says it! i agree, fracking will be gone under hillary clinton.
  7. do you have any proof that "Trump is and how he is disliked by the black community " or is it heresay? an opinion?
  8. i think the holocaust happened, and hitler was despicable, to say the least.. as for electing obama? because of the name "hussein" not so much.. i think he was elected because people are not that informed.. JMHO!
  9. i gather you are not a trump supporter.. no problem.. but i really think rex does not need, nor would want, apologists..
  10. again.. who is this david duke character?.. is there some sort of inference one could draw? is he a bad person? did trump solicit and accept his endorsement?
  11. who is this "david duke" you speak of? enlighten me..
  12. so rex is being called out by some , yet taking a knee during the anthem, just exercising ""their right to do so".. guess it all boils down to which agenda fits ones niche'
  13. "racist campaign" not sure about that, i would think that is your opinion. not a fact.. and JMHO.
  14. no, i would prefer that the players concentrate on their job.. if the want to speak out politically..OWN IT.. doesnt remotely qualify as "calling out " their coach if they do.
  15. Politics aside totally agree.. it is nice to see that some men still have nads.
  16. why doesnt he tend to all that and give us all a break..
  17. walt coleman? every time i hear that hick make a call.. bad things.. bad things..
  18. overrated typical hollywood type who should not get the attention he gets
  19. its belicheat being an arogant pr-k.. why not go out and get QB when you knew jimmy G wasnt going to play.. he just thinks he is doent have too.. his coaching prowess will overcome it.. screw him.. not may opportunities to gloat, ill enjoy this.
  20. guy goes back to the fifties.. .. amazing man ..
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