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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. felt the same way.. jesus.. unreal how breaks go.. and we got royally screwed last week..
  2. if we win this week, 10-6 is realistic. will it get us in the playoffs? who knows.. was fantasizing about winning the division up until yesterday.. but that is why we watch..
  3. i dont think the person offering said opinions should be critiqued.. a dialogue about the subject matter is what should take place (JMHO) .. why attack the messenger ?
  4. for crissakes. i didnt "call multiple people out" i was offering an opinion.. why do so many feel that they have to be the the thought police.. ? the "arbiters" on here.. a reason to lessen one's participation on here for sure
  5. great observation.. unfortunately , hysteria runs amok over common sense.. in the age of social media
  6. totally agree.. stop this talk,.,. leave the uni's as they are now.. after enduring those hideous uni's under donahoe, just glad that we have come full circle.. they are classic..
  7. what is your take on the two cops killed yesterday in palm springs ca.. not sure the racial components.. but i know one of the cops killed was a female, with a 4 month old ..
  8. well thought out.. have not been a gilmore fan from early on.. i would trade him now for a receiver.. if not , the financial analysis you made makes sense.. we have depth.. let him gp..
  9. you keep referencing cops killing blacks , dont deflect..
  10. are you upset with all the african-americans being shot and killed in chicago ? not by cops.. sometimes things get tilted toward politics, not intentionally, but hard to control when people express opinions. kaep is a lightening rod. i may have been guilty of taking it there after commenting on a funny post saying in essence the fans should start singing the national anthem on 3 rd down
  11. neither are cops actually.. unless the situation warrants it while they(cops) are doing their job..
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