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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. why the negativity? i get all the past.. trust me.. but beating the steelers, we live for another week.. why not finally be that team that gets in? JMHO..
  2. . PM ME! you coward.. leave the thread alone. ya think?
  3. you realize what you said by your attempt to be "glib" with the autism comment?? or are you just like i said.. an everyday ass h ole? and i do not want to take this off topic or derail this thread. . ..PM me and i will gladly enlighten you!
  4. get lost A-hole! horrible thing to say.. dont know you or the person you directed that comment to.. but you are truly a complete a$$hole
  5. i like the optimism and it does make watching the games more enjoyable if there is hope.. . i need it.. kudos to the people on here that have taken the time to crunch the numbers..
  6. totally agree.. the criticism of people who post OPINIONS on here gets nauseating ..
  7. i agree with the OP thoughts.. frustration does set in.. and why the criticism of the post.. it gets old after a while that all the critics of the posts come out.. man.. why so harsh?
  8. i hate this.. for selfish reasons.. and just wonder though, why treatment for this disease regarding marijuana has not been publicized, written about in medical books.. discussed by the medical professionals. if it has, wish one of them would come forward.
  9. i have been going there since the pre-season opener in 73.. not so much anymore.. but i applaud you.. always wondered what that experience would be like..but never wanted to find out..
  10. i know its wishful thinking, but the sunday night game scheduled is carolina v seattle..
  11. good thing whaley got rid of branch.. he probably would have been a bad influence on marcel..
  12. man, those are all solid Bills's number one busts. i think if you further evaluate them, it is hard to say who is the worst of the worst.. in my opinion, it has to be maybin.. especially if you look at a couple taken after him, namely cushing and matthews.
  13. http://www.khou.com/sports/nfl/texans/texans-warned-to-stay-in-hotel-not-order-room-service-in-mexico/353333652 why does the NFL force this on the fans.. england, mexico?
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