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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i agree wholeheartily.. i thought the last marrone/schwartz d coord team was close.. i drank the rex Cool aide but was concerned about the D.. . as it turned out the team outside of a few bad breaks/calls in the seattle game , loss of poise causing crucial penalties enabling teams to continue drives in games the past 2 years. , all contributed to the lack of a playoff appearance .. i say stay the course..
  2. and gilmore is not the team player, to say the least.. i would submit he would pout and B word more .. play even less aggressive , if that is possible. jmo
  3. why not? .. im an anti gilmore guy.. this guy tackles. ..unless you are one of those "in depth talent evaluators" that permeates this site and can break his game down. .. to me , the average fan, he sounds decent
  4. i agree ..; who cares what athletes and movie stars think about politics. .. sure they have the right to speak out politically.. but really i am not interested in what their politics are and i think ESPN is guilty of that
  5. Their attitudes.. IMHO, they talk down to the viewer, i have not watched it in years, but im sure it is only worse ..they are truly the "smartest guys in the room" in their opinion.. which again.. is my opinion.
  6. oh.. if you havent read it, you should .. really good.. and a recent one i recently read.(.Mavericks, money, and men : the AFL, Black players, and the evolution of modern football, Ross, Charles Kenyatta, ) isnt bad.. one more . if you are into AFL history.. . When it was just a game : remembering the first Super Bowl by Frommer, Harvey, author.
  7. yea, thats it .. came out in 2008.. i wish there WAS another.. there are 2-3 more AFL history books around. however.
  8. slightly off the topic, but larry felser's book about the history of the AFL is a great read..
  9. Kornheiser and Wilbon.. HANDS DOWN. unwatchable elitists..
  10. again.. jamies winston GOT invited.. so who gives a sh-t what the powers that be of the combine think ...dont understand all the chad kelly hate on here.. i get it he probably needs to grow up.. but for crissakes. he isnt alone
  11. i hope you are correct! and am in total agreement with your feelings on the new one!
  12. i know its coming.. but if i ruled the world and i had to move downtown.. i would just add levels to whatever pilot field is called now.. come full circle.. keep the infield till the grass grows over it.. the place would be like memorial stadium that the old colts played in..
  13. trust me i hear ya.. .. lots of memories .. i am a broken record when it comes to my aversion to a domed downtown stadium.. i think everyone has stated their respective cases very well on the various threads about it.. whatever happens .. happens obviously.. we shall see
  14. i suppose .. and you are right about the georgia dome.. cant fathom that in downtown buffalo and enduring a game after what generations have been used to in buffalo.. your pic speaks what i remember fondly
  15. i agree no doubt about that. a few beers and dogs.. used to be the norm.. a few have wrecked it and not trying to be be the "get off my lawn": guy but its a shame .. i would love a heinz field open air if it has to be downtown.. but again realize the realities ..
  16. its a great place to watch a game and i know you know all about that and the tailgating. just hate to lose the outdoor experience i suppose.. im old school.. domes bring it down .. again.. just my opinion.. i hate to see the game that i grew up with be taken away ..
  17. i know.. just in denial.. just fear an antiseptic friggin dome.. no personality..
  18. http://buffalonews.com/2017/02/11/no-stadium-discussions/ im in the minority.. but i say .. stay at OP.. JMHO
  19. ok.. i get people dont like trump.. my point is the guy writes for a newspaper, he covers football.. not an opinionated political writer.. whether you want to face it or not, lots of football fans voted for trump.. actually like him.. if im the owner of a newspaper i dont want to turn off paying customers.. hopefully you grasp that point, not just predictably look at this as a trump hate or love issue.
  20. it is tiring watching all the anti-trump speech.. doesnt the dude from the paper realize he is insulting over the half the country? .. regardless of the "freedom of speech " issue? i think it is a business decision.. JMHO
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