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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. outside of the utmost loyalty the fans have shown.. so having no "nightlife" in buffalo is the reason for the sh-tty teams? your logic is confusing
  2. didnt read thru all the pages, but did watch quite a bit of the hearing over the 2 days of intense questioning.. a few observations .. gorsuch is beyond highly qualified if there is such a thing.. schumer and the dems now saying they will filibuster is a national disgrace and the MM should call them out , but will not.. al franken questioning a supreme court nominee says it all about the state of affairs in the country.. pretty obvious .. and has has been said, the republicans need to go nuclear
  3. the pre-game shows are unwatchable IMO, used to live for them but the past 10 years they became to "pop culture" .. loved berman obviously, but as a poster said, you find other things to do until kickoff.
  4. miami dolphins, philadelphia flyers, boston celtics(darrel garretson) .. he was an NBA official.. some on here may be old enough to remember the 70's and our three teams.
  5. i agree.. with or without him standing .. the guy isnt that good.. move on..
  6. why insult the president?? .. with your comments from what i am reading. .. being a combat vet does not give you immunity .. for crissakes, dont use "being a combat vet" as a shield.
  7. let the market determine his value! politics aside.. if he was good, could help a team, teams would sell their soul for him.. obviously thats not the case.. no need to over analyze
  8. yea, but OJ is too old now.. plus he wont get paroled until october
  9. i feel the same way about mike williams. .. everyone has their opinions and that is what makes this site work.. i think mike williams cant miss.. and i also said at the time that the pats got a steal on tom brady in the 6th round.
  10. we passed on mike quick to draft tuttle.. so the sh-tty drafting is not recent.
  11. i saw this.. pretty much is how would answer the question... just plug in tom ruud for mcGahee
  12. LOL.. I remember that verbiage from rauch like it was yesterday.. you thought to yourself, what is he talking about? but it seems he wanted to just come on board with a swagger.. in hindsight, he was like greggo..
  13. my pleasure.. and 1973? you go back a ways.. you got to experience the Juice, and knox eras..
  14. saw my first game in 1960.. im old.. but as far as a "big splash" , i hope they are done with that stuff.. like a few have said on here , WINNING, having the culture, the tradition, of winning is what works.. IMHO, i think the new "regime" is geared and wired in that direction .
  15. yep.. this one seems to be the real deal.. if he is there at 10, which is probably 40-60 , i think you take him and say see you later!
  16. was there for the green jersey game in 77.. watched him bring the irish back many a time as most have, and later with frisco.. all due respect to brady, Bills bias aside, he is probably the runner up to montana.. JMHO..
  17. never heard of the draft "guru" or the player he projects to the Bills
  18. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-1/Buffalo-agrees-to-terms-with-WR-Corey-%E2%80%98Philly%E2%80%99-Brown/f0d9fd1b-f3ff-4e17-a659-6dcd7c5fc6e9...have at me if this is already covered or improperly referenced by the link.. never mind
  19. why is this even an issue? again.. who cares.. this is not directed at you.. but it gets really tedious when threads get sidetracked over stupid stuff..
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