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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. interesting if belicheats testimony would have made a difference if he actually had to testify..
  2. Shame they wasted all the time, resources on this. he is staying put, attorneys got a nice payday.. only thing that matters to me is if belicheat actually has to answer like everyone else would, for ignoring a subpoena.
  3. why not stick to the topic?.. jesus.. this stuff gets old.. why not take off topic critiques.. arguments etc off this. JMHO.. so many threads get hijacked because of this BS.
  4. Frankly, i dont care the reasons why, he could be the biggest a$$hat .. whatever. i like how he plays the game. he shows up..
  5. that was such a pu$$y move by ESPN. letting hank jr go.. thats when it became apparent they had an agenda
  6. yup but kornheiser's didnt.. go away for crissakes.. you make no sense
  7. see curt schilling.. mike ditka. you are spot on.. but tony kornheiser can rant against conservatives.. and he is still on.. case closed
  8. if McD exhibits the qualities that belicheat, andy reid possess, it is whats needed. no BS, focus, and no greggo airhorns..
  9. at the time, the rockpile was thought of as just a "rockpile", but it was a great place for those of us who went there a special place. JMHO.. I loved it.
  10. i agree with the gist of your post.. i get pi$$ed when i see the mara's and their illk try to dictate.. screw em.. its up to OUR owners.
  11. well.. i will offer an opinion. i have two young granddaughters that were born and being raised in philly. they know nothing except the Buffalo Bills when it comes to watching football as a family or just in general. i realize and respect what your feelings are in relation to letting your offspring root for the local team.. just let nature take its course.. but you live in pittsburgh , enough said when it comes to football success..
  12. having been born and raised in buffalo, i just want to say , this is one of the best threads i have ever read on here ! .. very cool.. insightful!
  13. i have been around as a fan since the inception .. used to get frustrated , like anyone else over the years over some frugality issues, whether actual or perceived, bottom line.. the guy was a class act.. illustrated by the foundation..
  14. i guess it means what your definition of a distraction is? set aside the obvious nightlife difference..i think gambling is the issue .. JMHO,... i gamble, have no problem with it..but who knows.
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