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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. did you see the cheap shot he gave to aaron williams.. scumbag on and off the field.. IMHO
  2. ok.. you win.. the white shoes must have got him in ..
  3. Again.. read up on the game of NFL football.. quoting stats in regard to whether Namath, or , any player is HOF worthy is foolish
  4. i actually do , hence the reason he is in. you may want to stop..
  5. stop playing Madden and do some research, read a couple of books on the NFL.. , the AFL, history of the league
  6. I did not read thru all the pages, but seeing people on here question joe namath's induction into the HOF tells me there are lots of total jackasses on here.. is this place full of uninformed , know-it-all millennials? for crissakes, nobody had the accuracy, release like him.. he had two damaged knees.. mind-boggling
  7. YAAAAAWN! "love reading " opinions on a sports site that gets political.. so so many "pundits" .. jesus! why not rant on FB like everyone else. but as always.. JMHO.
  8. Absolutely!..mixed in with the second course of pizza and slime dogs https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4c/67/74/4c677447cc6b8716737e866030d15c9a--hot-dog-chili-sauce-recipe-recipe-for-chilli.jpg
  9. me and a buddy paid 20 bucks to watch the game in a south buffalo bar that had an "illegal" feed.. the 20 bucks included unlimited pic's of beer .. so we stayed.
  10. that is how i feel.. with the Uni's finally working, the black cleats really worked.
  11. thanks! just thought it might be of interest.. so sorry! just preferred the traditional black cleats
  12. Bills wearing white shoes this year? IMHO, dont like..
  13. Thought the same thing.. i remember that video of him after the dolphin fiasco, him in a bar, railing.. glad to see him get it all together.
  14. in total, i agree with you and everyone not aboard with throwing money at older vets.. my only question is why bother? you know the "product" for lack of a better term, both parties have a figure, and both parties feel they are bargaining from an advantage.. just feel it should be easy if the interest is genuine,
  15. ok.. so.. why bother to bring free agents in.. just draft well. even though you havent been here since the start of the offseason. i am not being argumentative . and you are absolutelyt correct with what was said, and i am sure his take .. my only problem is why bring these guys in i e :boldin, maclin, if you arent going to be serious , not saying that arent, but why quibble over dollars and years with older vets. just make the deal.
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