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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i think the OP was asking about if the anthem should be played, not whether anyone should be required to stand for it..
  2. yea, why not? let us keep chipping away at traditions , because i for one , do not want anyone "offended" .. to me that is of utmost importance .. Screw a small show of patriotism.. let us all just watch the country morph into pablum eating, unquestioning progressives
  3. i know, memory is fuzzy, but distinctly remembering the final pre-season game against detroit, was on the road, televised, they looked brutal.. anyway, optimism is the only way i can approach a season.. realism kicks in about the third week in november , unfortunately..
  4. As an old -timer on here, i remember watching the Bills look horrible in pre-season in Knox's second, maybe third season, they went on to have a great year.. i believe it was the Fergy , playing on a bad leg in the SD playoff loss year .. and in the Marv years, the team never won in pre-season.. so who knows.. and i know i may be grasping at straws, but i must to have a purpose , a reason , to watch.. maybe injuries, whatever ,. catch up with the Pats. im hoping for 9-7..
  5. Moss, Rice, all good, but as another poster pointed out,Raymond Berry defined the WR position.. i stated i liked Alworth, but Berry is an equal.. different types, but the best i have seen.. i would also put Charlie Hennigan in the mix too.
  6. Yea, Rentzel was busted in a playground i think.. not a good dude, he actually was drafted by the Bills, but obviously didnt sign with them.
  7. Raymond Berry actually defined the position.. IMHO.. pure beauty as to what a WR was meant to be.. nice choice!
  8. IMHO, Lance Alworth.. unreal speed.. great hands.. different era i know, but the man was a distinct pleasure to watch
  9. in your opinion it was a political topic.. i sense the OP was just curious if Lynch didnt stand up for the anthem while here, nothing political, it was a genuine question to those of us who may have remembered.if he did or not..
  10. i agree, shame though, the post was genuine in its intention.. but some people on a freakin sports board take it to a level to make them feel good , politically
  11. Its always "enlightening" coming on a thread that was specific in its intention to ask a fair question, then have it evolve into BS.. i always rely on the people on this board to help me "see the light "regarding social issues.
  12. i was hoping to, but something came up.. thanks for asking, meeting some of the guys would be awesome. if anything changes , ill let you know.
  13. Agree, sick of all the anthem talk.. i am quite sure lynch stood while with the Bills , otherwise we would have heard about it. but not surprising he is not standing now.. makes him more of an A-hole , if that could be possible
  14. damn,.,. you got me! ,, drawing a blank.. yet i can picture him on the field with alice cooper eye black making tackles.
  15. i cant seem to recall what position former Bills Linebacker Ray Bentley played
  16. i dont think he should.. ??? i missed something, i was commenting on reggie
  17. Why not Reggie? no problem with it. actually never thought of him.. but makes sense
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