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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. i think the kid can be good, but who knows. i am a pro-kelly guy.. probably biased
  2. a bit of an unrealistic stretch? what does he have to do with a business decision (whether right or wrong) made before he was born? .. but i get the attempt to be edgy ok .. i get it.. you were different.. most at that age have a tendency to make mistakes.. if im not mistaken, these were indiscretions made before he was drafted for the life of me, cannot comprehend the negative attitude against him.. IMHO, he is "one of our own"
  3. you gotta go on the circuit with that material.. you were born to be a comedian.
  4. you are sure he has? i know he is injured at present, not sure if it fits your niche' of pissing a career away.
  5. what a bunch of pr-cks. guess you guys were all models of decorum at that age
  6. i would tend to disagree with that inane comment. an NFL football coach, whether successful semi-successful , whatever, is not something to be used as a barometer regarding what one has done with their life.
  7. i agree.. i thought that the minute i read his BS statement on why he is retiring..
  8. Roger Kochman. outstanding Back out of Penn state.. ended up with a bad injury.. had a couple of toes amputated as a result.. was on the way to a great career.. hands down.. fits the answer to the OP question.. IMHO
  9. yep.. they were going to probably cut him , so i guess its better than nothing.. maybe they should have kept quiet about his lack of productivity.
  10. not a surprise obviously.. but didnt get much for him. IMHO
  11. my first thought regarding this was that the Pats would claim him..
  12. Stop with the tank bulls^&t.. no one wants to hear it on this thread, for crissakes, the tank has been covered.. myself, maybe a few more on here, are approaching the season with a positive attitude.. so what if the season falls apart.. so be it.. not the point , tank .. go for it.. but im not into it.. but as always JMHO ..
  13. i really do not know how you could approach a season of Bills football without being an optimist. i also am aware that realism has a role also. i cant wait for the season to start, as an old timer on here, my mantra is "you never know" play the games..
  14. absolutely "love" reading about socio-pop culture bulls$%t on here.. for crissakes, the season is 2 weeks away..
  15. ok i am done.. when in "doubt" play the race card.. finished..
  16. not at all.. nice deflection though.. kaepernick wore pig socks totally disrespecting law enforcement.. other kneeler players have stated their beef was against law enforcement, not the military
  17. what?? try the police.., pig socks.. far from a "straw man" argument
  18. playing the anthem should be continued IMHO, and.. let the individual player make the decision whether to stand..anything negative or positive that results from said player's decision will be judged..
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