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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. maybe the Rooney rule should be adopted in the NHL.. this nonsense is tedious. hope TT gets it together on sunday
  2. i just hope our kicker , with all his good intentions.. gets his sh%t together.. a miss in the opener, one off the crossbar last week.. if he keeps that up, he can work full time for his cause.. i follow the Bills for football reasons.. the noble stuff is fine.. but really not in my wheelhouse on here.
  3. Didnt the Rams play in the LA Angel's stadium.. whatever it is called, before they left?
  4. i agree .. there is no reason that the Bills cant win this game if the D continues to step up.. the Bills O was awful last week.. and if this was last year, with that staff, i would fear the worst.. but the team seems disciplined.. hopefully makes those "adjustments" on the O side.. winnable game
  5. Some team has to be last on the list.. so what...with the way the NFL seems to be heading..i e :the two LA teams not drawing, television ratings down.. the league should be kissing Buffalo's(Pegula's) a$$..
  6. i would want to be the most hated team.. glad we are higher there
  7. no prob.. but sometimes threads do veer.. and speaking for myself, i do not realize there are other thread(s) sometimes dealing with similar content
  8. i agree with you. what puzzles me though is why what he did with the Jets worked for a short bit.. and why i bought into his BS when he was hired. his D with the Jets was decent.. obviously Sh##t here.. hard to figure..
  9. LOL.. yea that was funny.. the guy has one job to do.. and it was right in front of him!
  10. yea.., it makes sense because McDermott didnt seem all that riled up... was also wondering if it was a challengeable play without knowing about the quick whistle
  11. i must respectfully disagree .. but im an eternal optimist , more a blind optimist , when it comes to the Bills.
  12. ok thanks. i was under the impression that an opposing player must touch him.. do appreciate the explanation
  13. i would appreciate if one of the experts on here would shed some light on the play where Wood got the penalty after the endzone jet int.. i thought the Jet player went down when a teamate stumbled into him, knocking him to the ground, not touched by a Bill until Wood hit him , causing the fumble. i have obviously missed something. why werent the Bills awarded the ball?
  14. based on yesterday, i think the tired old bromide is in play.. any given sunday.. the league is essentially watered down. watching highlights from yesterday from the various games, nothing stood out to me. i think , with this coaching staff, staying healthy.. who knows?
  15. wow.. get lives my fellow Bills lovers.. for crissakes! critiquing threads? jesus. Goodwin was here.. did drop balls here.. IMHO, i can see this worthy of discussion if one so chooses
  16. was 8 yrs old in 1960.. first game was that year against the Broncos at the Rockpile .. vertical striped socks. ,, always a Bills fan. in my DNA, as they say..
  17. Shutout is what i would want .. a slight mini-statement.
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