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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. Charlie Jones! great voice of the old days.. believed he moved from ABC when the rights went to NBC in 65.. he was the guy who was there for the Comeback game though..
  2. thank you! love these kind of posts.. topics..refreshing change from alotta of the other stuff on here.
  3. whoa! i thought i knew everything .. but you may have me on that one! if you give me the initials , i may get it!
  4. Balt.. cleveland and the steelers. yea, speaking of that year, thought the team with the players you enumerated , would make us another shoo-in .. but they really crapped the bed that year
  5. Totally agree.. and i realize the present rules the roost.. but nice to be able to share the memories on here for those that do remember
  6. i did go to the Bills v Dolphins in 67 at acquinas , BoB Griese was within a yard away from where we sat. nice that u brought that up.was 15 and visiting the amusement park , Roseland, with my parents and siblings , made the trip to acquinas..
  7. yep.. frank tripucka, father of kelly tripucka, as i have said many times on here, the Broncos wore vertically stripped socks .. they got them cheap as they were hurting for money.. did see them in them at the rockpile in 60 Those games seem almost like yesterday! but i get your point.. too bad there is no film of charlie ferguson catching a TD on a Sat night game at the rockpile with 28 seconds left to beat the PATS.. love the old AFL talk..
  8. as a youth, very young, the giant's games were carried on CBS in the Buffalo market in the early 60's.. saw Y A.., Del Shofner,every sunday from 61 to 63, before the Browns took over the Buffalo market.. .. Chris Schenkel calling the games. great memories of Y A. RIP
  9. miami just fired their O-line coach.. worth a look? or take a powder on him?
  10. i believe they are, in spite of the offense . the old saying "defense wins championships " may apply here.. obviously if the injury bug hits the D. then all bets are off
  11. Imagine the outcry if a caucasian QB patronized an African-American female reporter..
  12. i , for one , am happy .. as was previously stated.. the greed is pervasive .. sick of them.. ill still watch.. but they are an unlikeable bunch .. meaning the NFL brand and the like.
  13. that is the real reason.. all the other BS offered up is denial.. well said
  14. nice.. best you got? not into that.. not that there is anyhing wrong with that..if that is what you are into
  15. huh.. sorry.. just want to discuss football. take the anthem BS.. to wherever. do you realize how pathetic you and the rest of the SJW sound?
  16. for crissakes! give it the f- up! cant you just stop? why not allow us to enjoy the day.. go to a safe space
  17. Why not? O J is there.. Orton hasn't been accused of any major crimes.
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