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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. all the Media .. sports,.., whatever.. just a bunch of snobby.. elitists .. pompous. permeates the world.
  2. Exactly.. Costas gets tiring..Gun control rant a few years back.. at least this was sports related, but his observation regarding the NFL, CTE,.. Let him ramble on FB about it if he feels people wanna hear what he thinks.
  3. i think he is an as%^^&le.. why even give him a thought..
  4. As an old-timer, who has lived thru it all, i would say my favorite memory goes way back.. when i walked up the ramp at old WMS , and laid eyes on the green playing field.as i entered to find my seat with my father. simply will never forget it. each sunday was like that..
  5. just a question..explain the relevance of your post to the intent of OP topic
  6. it sounds plausible.. bon jovi is a scumbag! happy if President Trump did. the letter that bon jovi published was the most disingenuous POS that i have ever seen..
  7. Cool.. he has come a long way from those miami days.. good for him.. good for the Bills.
  8. you saved me from reading thru .. signing Kap was my initial thought.. relocation is seemingly a non-issue , but that would do it.
  9. i didnt go to the cincy game , but the buffalo fam all went to the denver game .. i do wanna come back for one,again.. when i do .. will let you know and try to hook up.. thanks .
  10. it was individual business decisions made by private citizens owning said business. not rocket science. this is frivolous. ..............................................friv·o·lous ˈfrivələs/ adjective not having any serious purpose or value.
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