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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. Always liked him.. glad he is doing well.. had he not been involved with J Martin , quite sure he would be getting more positive pub. Normally in this day and age ,people who have mental health issues are normally given the benefit of the doubt., but in this case , he is the perfect target to "kick when he is down"
  2. A reason to take break from this board. thank you. such BS. maybe return when the season starts (and it is reagan)
  3. so this is what the board has evolved to? posting pics.. and talking about male bodies? not that there is anything wrong with that .. but jesus!
  4. i always like your positive posts.. very refreshing and i share the optimism as it relates to the Bills. i always anticipate the start of a new season .. 16- 0.. then let it play out. why not.?.. thanks for contributing... the predicatable doom.. BS ..tedious. hope the Pack does well.. lets enjoy! again.. thank you!
  5. Yea focus on that.. it will be a distraction .. a chance to take the spotlight off all the domestic violence , drug usage.. good job ..
  6. i would rather be annoying about making an issue about a thread
  7. i think i am going to start a topic about the thread police. fair enough? hopefully there isnt one already though
  8. it is really gotten out of hand IMHO, regarding people who take it upon themselves to be the "thread police". its tiresome , it seems pointing out the fact there is a "thread on this" . who cares..
  9. Hopefully we will be resting our starters .
  10. I hear ya. i like hughes, but over the past few years , those personal fouls have been killers , it seemed. passion is good. not ready to quit on him yet.
  11. LOL.. beautiful.. first reaction when i see "mock drafts" and "my first" or "annual" is who gives a sh#$t. good one.
  12. One of real reasons to keep the Bills in OP, Where they truly belong.
  13. ok. guess then we should should maybe revamp our criminal justice system if that in fact can happen.. JMHO, Bennett 's past behavior.. well his cred may be a bit questionable,. but hey to each their own.. you have to be a stand up comedian! . if not , try an open mic night.."funny stuff! ". .
  14. very surprised it took as long as it did before Trump would be brought up..
  15. i am under the assumption the charges are being filed due to a grand jury .. not any "believing the cops at face value"
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