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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. ok . you win. if you watched the Bills . and maybe watched what happened in cleveland. the browns were in position to win. but ok im sure tyrod would have made the performance worse in baltimore
  2. i get it but they were competetive . what i saw today was pathetic .. to say the least
  3. Me too. worse than the Harvey Johnson years 1-13. . really inexcusable . hope they arent tankin
  4. Overrated fan base agree been here 10 years very self -consumed .
  5. Living here now for 10 years, i totally agree , frontrunners.. and amazingly , they hide behind this facade of "tough fans" etc.. about 4-5 years ago they rescheduled a game due to snow! friggin pu@#%^$s
  6. What will she coach up ? just curious. i would never want to think that she was hired because she is a female ..
  7. Dumb . jesus. where do they find these idiots to come up with this?
  8. i have disclosed before that i was 8 when i saw my first Bills game in 1960. . that old place always held a place in my heart. i went to AA Bisons games in 1980 and beyond just to get a chance to go in there again
  9. I admired the guy, his football skills seemed to have ret'd while with us. and up until last night , i was hoping he might come back .. not sure if it roid related . but whatever, very sad
  10. I hope he can catch the football.. catch the football.
  11. My mindset at the start of a season is that we go 16 and 0.. and then as it unfolds and i see how it plays out , i hope for a division title shot.. then wait.. wild card. only approach i can take.
  12. remember that day well.. and those uniforms were awful.. why they would change from an iconic uni into that junk was beyond comprehension..
  13. I didnt see the game last night, but i agree with you.. based on observations on here, media and OP'S
  14. i actually dont mind him.. i get the reasons why some dont care for him.. but for some reason, he seems to grasp the pace , whatever. i am no expert, and know , like the rest on here who can be annoying. but he doesnt bother me
  15. As an old guy. i cant watch that enough. just the memories olf the era.. the stadium..all good.
  16. Damn! that is good.. WOW. GOMER ? Paul Guidry.. thank you much!
  17. i , for one am hoping the "worm is turning" regarding the monopoly the NFL has .. it is their arrogance that is starting to turn off people like me off.. a guy who started following the Buffalo Bills in 1960.. and lives and dies for the "product" . BUT. the days of holding cities hostage should be over. without getting political, they actually are.. the days of taking the fan base for granted should be over.. the lemmings are starting to "get it" .. screw them. if they wanna abandon a true historic fan base .we will survive. but again. F-em.
  18. i am 66 , feel 80.. and what is a pecker?
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