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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. your point?(actually not 30 years ago.. wouldnt matter if it was 50)
  2. "Just give it to them" maybe it is just me,.. but am quite tired of watching the officials march the Pats down the field.. i cant help but notice ,, officiating matters.. and not many times have the Bills been the recipient of a botched call.. im sure there have been isolated incidents.. but none of substance
  3. Totally agree you make a valid point.. over the years officiating has hurt the Bills.. of course the obvious comeback is it happens across the board.. but having seen almost 100 per cent of all the Bills games ever played .. i can cite chapter and verse of atrocious calls.. and now , as you say the big market Jets.. who knows,.. plus sports gambling??
  4. Love it! nice little bit of innocent optimism.. its stuff like this on the board that draws old guys like me.. . just have to sift thru the predictable glib BS as usual
  5. Kuech a douche"? dont buy it.. anyway langer was awesome
  6. you too!(by the way.. i am happy).. does ignorant mean you must be angry? :"enlighten" me
  7. You lost me.. i give up i am here for football and Bills talk not your SJW sh-t but do like your "diction" impressive
  8. OK .. i dont care about diversity on an NFL coaching staff .. i care about how it affects (in this case) the Bills.. take the :"diversity" stuff to a political site.. the more i think about it.. you are probably just screwing around.. because you cant be serious..
  9. Look at "her" qualifications.. i know of many more men qualified.. she was hired because she is a "woman" .. get your proverbial head out iof your ...,.,. if you think otherwise .. and as i read your other responses , i think you actually believe the nonsense you espouse..
  10. ok snowflake :"you win" not going to get into a political debate about a friggin female NFL coaching intern! Optics .. nah. nothing to do with it
  11. Oh for crissakes.. of course it's political .. stop with all the tip -toeing.
  12. Always a "learning experience " on here .. after reading most posts .. not sure if the trade is happening.. but then again.. just glad it wasnt merged or shut down.
  13. in the USA? no jail? jeez i have heard on the 6 O clock news that some felons went to jail..i better stop watching CNN i guess.
  14. ok.. im too lazy to disagree with you.. i was just offering an opinion based on past practice . not that important to me to be factually correct..
  15. I guess i didnt fully present my point.. based ON WHATS OUT THERE , it doesnt appear it will go to trial for at least a year.. hence my point.. he p;lays.. guys that did roids sit so a felony should just warrant a proverbial slap on the wrist?
  16. i didnt read thru all. if im parroting another response , so be it.. but Chung gets charged with a felony , consensus is that he will survive the season.. not miss a game.. a guy takes roids , smokes up whatever.. gets a 4 game suspension ? "The Patriot way"?
  17. And he usually got his a$$ beat.. but admired him , like you said.. he took them all on.. didnt pick his spots..
  18. Yep.. why they cant leave well enough alone is beyond me.. does everything in the NFL have to be antiseptic..its bad enough with the domes etc.. i am an old fk .. remember going to games and watching games on TV played in the elements.. Nothing beat watching Detroit on thanksgiving when they played at tiger stadium and it started snowing a bit.. now its just the game .. which of course is why we watch.. but thank god forNew Era field and the Bills traditiions
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