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dwight in philly

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Everything posted by dwight in philly

  1. it portrays how the zeal for stadia in the NFL may have reached its zenith .. now back to realism
  2. yea.. but i think that stadium overruns are steep , out of WNY league.. IMHO
  3. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/05/14/report-rams-seeking-up-to-500-million-in-additional-stadium-financing/
  4. Fauci ? to decide the season? whatever he reccomends .. do the opposite .. the man has never been right .. going back to the HIV crisis in the 80's
  5. Again its my opinion.. ok.. no need to judge.. put your masks on and carry on .
  6. Open the freakin country up .. lets get back to normal.. fans in the stands , outside , inside. . JMHO
  7. Its just me , but anyone named booger is hard to take serious , regardless of the correct spelling , or incorrect spelling , of his first name
  8. It does get tiresome , our way of life is slowly dissapating
  9. Hopefully a moratorium .just for a little while
  10. as stated a few times in various threads , my dad took me there in 1960 , when i was 8 .. against the denver broncos and their vertical socks.. i fell in love with the old place , so much so that i started going to AA bison games in 1979 just to be able to inhale the old place
  11. I agree , i think football , life as we know it , with a few adjustments , returns sooner than we imagine..
  12. Never minded him.. i dont really pay attention unless the color guy is unusually bad.. Namath was annoying , Collingsworth ,.. could care less about Fouts either way .. Just hate him for throwing the TD pass to Ron Smith in THAT playoff game..
  13. not sure if its been addressed , but that non-call 12 men on the field really hurt.. and as you said.. the game was there
  14. Understated, awesome player.. true gifted athlete , believe he was a tight end in college.. Another "Bill of autumn" passes away.. R I P
  15. I believe he has a Buffalo family connection.. could be wrong , but thought i read about him being a Sabres fan..
  16. Read a few quotes from him about his days as a Bill .. pretty positive
  17. For sure! did forget that one but remember it well! Thats when they dismantled the Braves.. a team that was awesome and if not for that horrible call to allow Jo Jo White to go to the free throw line in 76 , in game six against the Celtics .. Braves could have won it all that year ..
  18. Totally agree , up until the Sabres trade of Ryan O'Reilly , this ranks as the worst trade in Buffalo sports history by far..
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